Смотреть что такое "yellows" в других словарях:
Yellows — Yel lows, n. 1. (Far.) A disease of the bile in horses, cattle, and sheep, causing yellowness of the eyes; jaundice. [1913 Webster] His horse . . . sped with spavins, rayed with the yellows. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) A disease of plants, esp … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
yellows — /ˈjɛloʊz/ (say yelohz) noun 1. Botany any of various plant diseases such as peach yellows, cabbage yellows, and aster yellows, whose most prominent symptom is a loss of green pigment in the leaves. 2. jaundice, especially in animals. 3. Obsolete… …
yellows — /yel ohz/, n. (used with a sing. v.) 1. Plant Pathol. a disease of plants, characterized by stunting and the loss of chlorophyll. 2. Vet. Pathol. jaundice. 3. Obs. jealousy. [1555 65; YELLOW (n.) + S3] * * * … Universalium
yellows — yel·lows yel (.)ōz n pl but sing or pl in constr any of several diseases of domestic animals (as sheep) that are characterized by jaundice * * * yel·lows (yelґōz) 1. a form of canine leptospirosis resembling the human condition Weil syndrome … Medical dictionary
yellows — nembutal … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
yellows — yel·low || jeləʊ n. color yellow; yolk of an egg; coward (Slang) v. make yellow, paint or dye yellow; turn yellow (e.g. old paper) adj. having a yellow color; cowardly (Slang); jealous; sensationalistic (about a newspaper) … English contemporary dictionary
yellows — any of a number of plant diseases in which the leaves turn yellow, typically caused by viruses and transmitted by insects. → yellow … English new terms dictionary
yellows — n. pl. Jaundice (in horses, cattle, and sheep) … New dictionary of synonyms
yellows — yel•lows [[t]ˈyɛl oʊz[/t]] n. (used with a sing. v.) 1) ppa a disease of plants, characterized by stunting and the loss of chlorophyll 2) vet jaundice, esp. in livestock • Etymology: 1555–65 … From formal English to slang
yellows — present third singular of yellow plural of yellow … Useful english dictionary
yellows, you — See colours … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address