yellow-fever mosquito
Смотреть что такое "yellow-fever mosquito" в других словарях:
yellow-fever mosquito — n a small dark colored mosquito of the genus Aedes (A. aegypti) that is the usual vector of yellow fever called also tiger mosquito … Medical dictionary
yellow-fever mosquito — noun mosquito that transmits yellow fever and dengue • Syn: ↑Aedes aegypti • Hypernyms: ↑mosquito • Member Holonyms: ↑Aedes, ↑genus Aedes * * * noun : a small dark colored mosquito (Aëdes aeg … Useful english dictionary
yellow-fever mosquito — noun Date: 1905 a small dark colored mosquito (Aedes aegypti) that is the usual vector of yellow fever … New Collegiate Dictionary
yellow-fever mosquito — /yel oh fee veuhr/ a mosquito, Aedes aegypti, that transmits yellow fever and dengue. [1900 05, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
yellow fever mosquito — Aedes aegypti … Medical dictionary
Yellow fever — An acute systemic (bodywide) illness caused by a virus called a Flavivirus. In severe cases, the viral infection causes a high fever, bleeding into the skin, and necrosis (death) of cells in the kidney and liver. The damage done to the liver from … Medical dictionary
yellow fever — noun Date: 1739 an acute infectious disease of warm regions (as sub Saharan Africa and tropical South America) marked by sudden onset, prostration, fever, and headache and sometimes albuminuria, jaundice, and hemorrhage and caused by a flavivirus … New Collegiate Dictionary
yellow fever — noun uncount a serious tropical illness caused by a MOSQUITO in which you have a fever, you BLEED a lot, and your skin may look yellow … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
yellow fever — ☆ yellow fever n. an acute, infectious tropical disease caused by a virus transmitted by the bite of a mosquito (Aëdes aegypti) and characterized by fever, jaundice, vomiting, etc … English World dictionary
Yellow fever — | MeshID = D015004Taxobox name = Yellow fever virus image caption = TEM micrograph: Multiple yellow fever virions (234,000x magnification). virus group = iv familia = Flaviviridae genus = Flavivirus type species = Yellow fever virus Yellow fever… … Wikipedia
yellow fever — Pathol. an acute, often fatal, infectious febrile disease of warm climates, caused by an RNA virus transmitted by a mosquito, esp. Aedes aegypti, and characterized by liver damage and jaundice. Also called yellow jack. [1730 40] * * * Acute… … Universalium