- yarrow
- ˈjærəu сущ.;
бот. тысячелистник обыкновенный (ботаника) тысячелистник, деревей (Achillea gen.) yarrow бот. тысячелистник обыкновенный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Yarrow — bezeichnet einen kryptografisch sicheren Pseudozufallszahlengenerator, siehe Yarrow (Algorithmus) einen Fluss in Lancashire im Nordwesten Englands, siehe Yarrow (Fluss) eine Stadt in British Columbia, siehe Yarrow (Stadt) eine Werft in Glasgow,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Yarrow — est un générateur cryptographique de nombres pseudo aléatoires inventé par Bruce Schneier, John Kelsey et Niels Ferguson. Son nom est tiré du nom anglais de l achillée millefeuille (Achillea millefolium), une plante utilisée dans la divination… … Wikipédia en Français
Yarrow — YARROW, a parish, in the county of Selkirk, 9 miles (W.) from Selkirk; containing, with the village of Ettrick Bridge and part of Yarrowford, 1264 inhabitants. This place, which is of considerable antiquity, was originally designated as the… … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
yarrow — [yar′ō] n. [ME yarowe < OE gæruwe, akin to Ger garbe] any of a genus (Achillea) of perennial plants of the composite family; esp., the common yarrow ( A. millefolium), having a strong smell and taste, finely divided leaves, and clusters of… … English World dictionary
Yarrow — Yar row, n. [OE. yarowe, yarwe, [yogh]arowe, AS. gearwe; akin to D. gerw, OHG. garwa, garawa, G. garbe, schafgarbe, and perhaps to E. yare.] (Bot.) An American and European composite plant ({Achillea Millefolium}) with very finely dissected… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Yarrow — (spr. Jarro), 1) Nebenfluß des Tweed in Schottland, entspringt in der Grafschaft Selkirk, bildet einige Seen u. mündet unterhalb Selkirk; 2) Kirchspiel hier; 1500 Ew … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
yarrow — (n.) plant, also known as milfoil, O.E. gearwe, from P.Gmc. *garwo (Cf. M.Du. garwe, O.H.G. garawa, Ger. Garbe), perhaps from a source akin to the root of YELLOW (Cf. yellow) … Etymology dictionary
yarrow — ► NOUN ▪ a plant with feathery leaves and heads of small white or pale pink flowers, used in herbal medicine. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
YARROW — UNITED KINGDOM (see also List of Individuals) 13.1.1842 London/UK 24.1.1932 London/UK At the end of his schooling in the South of England, Yarrow became an indentured apprentice to the Thames engine builder Ravenhill. During this five year period … Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000
Yarrow — El algoritmo Yarrow ( algoritmo de la milenrama ) es un generador de números pseudoaleatorios criptográficamente seguro. Su nombre proviene de la planta llamada milenrama, aquilea, o plumerillo, que se usaba como agente aleatorizante en la… … Wikipedia Español
yarrow — In Devon and Cornwall, girls wanting to dream of their future husbands would pick this plant at night some said, from a young man s grave and put it under their pillows, saying: Good night, fair yarrow, Thrice good night to thee, I hope… … A Dictionary of English folklore