
(сленг) (военное) новобранец (сленг) (американизм) пехотинец (сленг) (военное) получивший наряд вне очереди (сленг) заключенный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "yardbird" в других словарях:

  • yardbird — (n.) convict, 1956, from YARD (Cf. yard) (n.1) + BIRD (Cf. bird) (n.1), from the notion of prison yards; earlier it meant basic trainee (World War II armed forces slang) …   Etymology dictionary

  • yardbird — ☆ yardbird [yärd′bʉrd΄ ] n. Slang 1. a military recruit; rookie, esp. one frequently assigned to cleanup or other menial duties 2. a prisoner; convict …   English World dictionary

  • yardbird — noun /ˈjɑːd.bəːd,ˈjɑɹd.bɝd/ a) A person who is imprisoned. The working convict is a rare exception, sometimes envied because his time is occupied, sometimes derided for his deviance from the yardbird norm. b) A soldier who is required to perform… …   Wiktionary

  • yardbird — UK [ˈjɑː(r)dˌbɜː(r)d] / US [ˈjɑrdˌbɜrd] noun [countable] Word forms yardbird : singular yardbird plural yardbirds American informal someone who is in prison …   English dictionary

  • yardbird — 1. n. a convict. □ Who’s the yard bird with the headphones on his noodle? □ So, Charlie was a yardbird. So what? 2. n. an inept soldier. (Military.) □ You yard birds are going to learn discipline one way or another …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Yardbird Suite — es un tema de jazz, dentro del estilo bebop, compuesto por Charlie Parker en 1946.[1] [2] [3] Sigue la forma típica de jazz, AABA. Lawrence O. Koch utilizó su título para la biografía de Parker …   Wikipedia Español

  • Yardbird Suite — is a bebop standard composed by Charlie Parker. [cite news |first=Lawrence |last=van Gelder |title= FOOTLIGHTS |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F07E3DB1430F930A25753C1A96F958260 |work=New York Times |date=1999 10 13… …   Wikipedia

  • yardbird — noun Etymology: 1yard Date: circa 1941 1. a soldier assigned to a menial task or restricted to a limited area as a disciplinary measure 2. an untrained or inept enlisted man …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • yardbird — /yahrd berrd /, n. Slang. 1. a convict or prisoner. 2. an army recruit. 3. a soldier confined to camp and assigned to cleaning the grounds or other menial tasks as punishment for violation of the rules. [1940 45, Amer.; YARD2 + BIRD, by analogy… …   Universalium

  • yardbird — yard|bird [ˈja:dbə:d US ˈja:rdbə:rd] n AmE informal old fashioned someone who is in prison, especially for a long time …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • yardbird — yard|bird [ jard,bɜrd ] noun count AMERICAN INFORMAL 1. ) a PRISONER 2. ) a soldier who is not allowed to leave a particular area or who has to do boring work as a punishment …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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