Смотреть что такое "yard-arm" в других словарях:
yard|arm — «YAHRD AHRM», noun. either end of a long, slender beam or pole which supports a square sail … Useful english dictionary
yard-arm — … Useful english dictionary
yard — 1. n. 1 a unit of linear measure equal to 3 feet (0.9144 metre). 2 this length of material (a yard and a half of cloth). 3 a square or cubic yard esp. (in building) of sand etc. 4 a cylindrical spar tapering to each end slung across a mast for a… … Useful english dictionary
arm in arm — Arm Arm, n. [AS. arm, earm; akin to OHG. aram, G., D., Dan., & Sw. arm, Icel. armr, Goth. arms, L. armus arm, shoulder, and prob. to Gr. ? joining, joint, shoulder, fr. the root ? to join, to fit together; cf. Slav. rame. ?. See {Art},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arm — Arm, n. [AS. arm, earm; akin to OHG. aram, G., D., Dan., & Sw. arm, Icel. armr, Goth. arms, L. armus arm, shoulder, and prob. to Gr. ? joining, joint, shoulder, fr. the root ? to join, to fit together; cf. Slav. rame. ?. See {Art}, {Article}.] 1 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arm's end — Arm Arm, n. [AS. arm, earm; akin to OHG. aram, G., D., Dan., & Sw. arm, Icel. armr, Goth. arms, L. armus arm, shoulder, and prob. to Gr. ? joining, joint, shoulder, fr. the root ? to join, to fit together; cf. Slav. rame. ?. See {Art},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arm's length — Arm Arm, n. [AS. arm, earm; akin to OHG. aram, G., D., Dan., & Sw. arm, Icel. armr, Goth. arms, L. armus arm, shoulder, and prob. to Gr. ? joining, joint, shoulder, fr. the root ? to join, to fit together; cf. Slav. rame. ?. See {Art},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arm's reach — Arm Arm, n. [AS. arm, earm; akin to OHG. aram, G., D., Dan., & Sw. arm, Icel. armr, Goth. arms, L. armus arm, shoulder, and prob. to Gr. ? joining, joint, shoulder, fr. the root ? to join, to fit together; cf. Slav. rame. ?. See {Art},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Yard — 1) Enclosed piece of land attached to a building. It also came to indicate a space where animals were kept. 2) The measure we know as being three feet was originally a cloth measure . The Latin tres pedes faciunt ulnam = three feet make a yard… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
arm — I. /am / (say ahm) noun 1. the upper limb of the human body from the shoulder to the hand. 2. this limb, exclusive of the hand. 3. the forelimb of any four legged vertebrate. 4. some part of an organism like or likened to an arm. 5. any arm like… …
yard — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. enclosure, court[yard], patio. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [An enclosure, usually about a building] Syn. court, courtyard, barnyard, backyard, corral, fold, patch, patio, terrace, play area, lawn, grass,… … English dictionary for students