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Villa Yaila House — (Kamen Bryag,Болгария) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: 4 2nd Str., 9661 … Каталог отелей
Minor planets of Noon Universe — The Noon Universe novels by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky featured a number of planets that were not covered extensively over the course of the narrative. Nonetheless, some scant information about them is available. Contents 1 Blue Sands planet 2… … Wikipedia
Krim — Krim, 1) (a. Geogr.), Chersonesustaurica od. Ch. scythica, die südliche Halbinsel des Europäischen Sarmatien, damit durch den Isthmus (jetzt Landenge von Perekop) zusammenhängend; wurde 1400 Stadien lang u. ebenso breit, im Umfang aber 4000… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Noon Universe — The Noon Universe (Russian term: Мир Полудня or Мир Полдня World of Noon ) is a fictional future setting for a number of hard science fiction novels written by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. The universe is named after Noon: 22nd Century, the… … Wikipedia
Minor personalities of the Noon Universe — The Noon Universe novels by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky featured a number of characters who were not of vital importance to the XXII century, like Leonid Gorbovsky or Maxim Kammerer. Bader, August Iogann Maria August Iogann Maria Bader was a… … Wikipedia
List of fictional planets by medium — This is a list of fictional planets organized by the medium in which they primarily appear.Novels and short stories =Adams, Douglas= *Brontitall The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy (radio series); planet of bird people who live in the ear of a… … Wikipedia
Orcistus — was a city in Asia Minor, apparently in Phrygia. History It is only mentioned in Peutinger s Table. An inscription of 331 fixes the site at the modern Turkish Alikel Yaila, also called Alekian, in the Ottoman vilayet of Angora. It was then a… … Wikipedia
Crimean Trolleybus — A trolleybus on interurban route 52 Simferopol Alushta Yalta at the Simferopol terminus station. Trolleybus no. 2005 is a Škoda14Tr … Wikipedia
Karakum — Zentralasien mit Seidenstraße Die Karakum (auch Kara Kum, turkmen. Garagum, usbek. Qoraqum, wörtlich Schwarzer Sand) ist eine Wüste in Zentralasien. Zusammen mit der benachbarten Kysylkum Wüste (Roter Sand) nimmt sie den größten Teil des inneren… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Urartu — DMS … Deutsch Wikipedia
Urartäer — DMS … Deutsch Wikipedia