Смотреть что такое "yack" в других словарях:
yack — yack … Dictionnaire des rimes
yack — [ jak ] n. m. VAR. yak • 1808, 1791; angl. yak, du tibétain gyak ♦ Ruminant (bovidés) au corps massif, à longue toison soyeuse, qui vit au Tibet où il est domestiqué. ● yack ou yak nom masculin (anglais yak, du tibétain gyak) Gros mammifère… … Encyclopédie Universelle
yack — or yack yack or yackety yak vi., n. alt. sp. of yak, yak yak, yakety yak … English World dictionary
Yack — Yack, so v.w. Yak … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Yack — Yack, Grunzochse, s. d … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
yack — ou yak (iak) s. m. Buffle à queue de cheval ; espèce du genre boeuf … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
yack — [ jæk ] another spelling of yak 2 … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
yack — (v.) to talk, to chatter, slang, 1950, probably echoic (Cf. Australian slang yacker talk, conversation, 1882). Yackety is recorded from 1953 … Etymology dictionary
Yack — Yak Yak … Wikipédia en Français
yack — I Australian Slang 1. vomit; 2. talk a lot; 3. chat II Canadian Slang to talk, usually too much. III Kiwi (New Zealand Slang) general conversation held between friends; as in have a yack … English dialects glossary
yack — general conversation held between friends; as in have a yack … Kiwi (New Zealand slang)