Смотреть что такое "xanthopuccine" в других словарях:
Xanthopuccine — Xan tho*puc cine, n. [Xantho + puccoon + ine.] (Chem.) One of three alkaloids found in the root of the yellow puccoon ({Hydrastis Canadensis}). It is a yellow crystalline substance, and resembles berberine. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
xanthopuccine — SYN: canadine … Medical dictionary
Hydrastis Canadensis — Xanthopuccine Xan tho*puc cine, n. [Xantho + puccoon + ine.] (Chem.) One of three alkaloids found in the root of the yellow puccoon ({Hydrastis Canadensis}). It is a yellow crystalline substance, and resembles berberine. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
canadine — C20H21NO4; an alkaloid present in Hydrastis canadensis (family Ranunculaceae) and in Corydalis cava (family Fumaraceae) with sedative and muscle relaxant properties. SYN: xanthopuccine. * * * can·a·dine kan ə .dēn, əd ən n a crystalline alkaloid… … Medical dictionary