Wroth — Wroth, a. [OE. wroth, wrap, AS. wr[=a][eth] wroth, crooked, bad; akin to wr[=i][eth]an to writhe, and to OS. wr[=e][eth]angry, D. wreed cruel, OHG. reid twisted, Icel. rei[eth]r angry, Dan. & Sw. vred. See {Writhe}, and cf. {Wrath}.] Full of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wroth|y — «RTH ee, ROTH », adjective, wroth|i|er, wroth|i|est. wrathful; angry: »I am writing letters, wrothy letters (New Yorker) … Useful english dictionary
wroth — O.E. wrað angry (lit. tormented, twisted”), from P.Gmc. *wraithaz (Cf. O.Fris. wreth evil, O.S. wred, M.Du. wret, Du. wreed cruel, O.H.G. reid, O.N. reiðr angry, offended ), from PIE *wreit to turn (see … Etymology dictionary
wroth — wroth; wroth·ful; … English syllables
wroth — [rôth; ] chiefly Brit, [rōth] adj. [ME < OE wrath, bad, wroth < the pt. stem of writhan, to twist, WRITHE] Archaic angry; wrathful; incensed … English World dictionary
wroth — [ raθ ] adjective LITERARY an old word meaning angry … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
wroth — *angry, irate, indignant, wrathful, acrimonious, mad … New Dictionary of Synonyms
wroth — ► ADJECTIVE archaic ▪ angry. ORIGIN Old English, related to WRITHE(Cf. ↑writhe) … English terms dictionary
wroth — wrath, wrathful, wroth Wrath is an archaic or literary noun meaning ‘anger’, and is pronounced rawth or roth, or in AmE rath. Wrathful is the corresponding adjective meaning ‘angry’. Wroth is also an adjective, and is always used predicatively, i … Modern English usage
wroth — /rawth, roth/ or, esp. Brit., /rohth/, adj. 1. angry; wrathful (usually used predicatively): He was wroth to see the damage to his home. 2. stormy; violent; turbulent: the wroth sea. [bef. 900; ME; OE wrath; c. D wreed cruel, ON reithr angry;… … Universalium
Wroth — Recorded in many forms including: Wreath, Wraith, Wrate, Wrates, Wroth and Wroath, this is a surname of English origins. Derived from the Olde English pre 7th Century word wrath , meaning angry or fierce, it was a nickname either for somebody… … Surnames reference