written language

written language
письменный язык

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "written language" в других словарях:

  • Written language — [ typeset fonts and languages, by William Caslon, letter founder; from the 1728 Cyclopaedia .] A written language is the representation of a language by means of a writing system. Written language is an invention in that it must be taught to… …   Wikipedia

  • written language — noun communication by means of written symbols (either printed or handwritten) (Freq. 4) • Syn: ↑written communication, ↑black and white • Hypernyms: ↑communication • Hyponyms: ↑tr …   Useful english dictionary

  • The first international Congress «Pre-Cyrillic Slavic Written Language and Pre-Christian Slavic Culture» — The Congress took place from 12 – 14 May 2008 in St Petersburg at the Leningrad State University named after Pushkin. Over one hundred people attended it. They represented ten countries and fourteen Russian towns. They have made a total of ninety …   Wikipedia

  • One (Written) Language — (Norwegian: Ett (skrift)språk) is a Norwegian political party that ran for the parliamentary election in 2009. The party s main goal is to abolish Nynorsk as a written language in schools and the public sector.[1] In 2009, it ran for election in… …   Wikipedia

  • Written Cantonese — refers to the written language used to write colloquial standard Cantonese using Chinese characters.Cantonese is usually referred to as a spoken variant, and not as a written variant. Spoken vernacular Cantonese is different from Written Standard …   Wikipedia

  • Language reform — is a type of language planning by massive change to a language. The usual tools of language reform are simplification and purification. Simplification makes the language easier to use by regularizing vocabulary and grammar. Purification makes the …   Wikipedia

  • Language processing — refers to the way human beings process speech or writing and understand it as language. Most recent theories back the idea that this process is made completely by and inside the brain. Spoken language Acoustic stimuli are received by the auditive …   Wikipedia

  • Language revitalization — is the attempt by interested parties, including individuals, cultural or community groups, governments, or political authorities, to recover the spoken use of a language that is endangered, moribund, or no longer spoken. Language death is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Language transfer — (also known as L1 interference, linguistic interference, and crossmeaning) refers to speakers or writers applying knowledge from their native language to a second language. It is most commonly discussed in the context of English language learning …   Wikipedia

  • Language identification — is the process of determining which natural language given content is in. Traditionally, identification of written language as practiced, for instance, in library science has relied on manually identifying frequent words and letters known to be… …   Wikipedia

  • Language disorder — Language disorders or Language impairments, as they are also called, are disorders that involve the processing of linguistic information. Problems that may be experienced can involve grammar (syntax and/or morphology), semantics (meaning), or… …   Wikipedia

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