Смотреть что такое "write-protect" в других словарях:
write-protect — ˌwrite proˈtect verb [transitive] COMPUTING to make it impossible for a computer user to write information onto a computer disk, or change the details of an existing file, so that information is not changed or destroyed: • Once write protected, a … Financial and business terms
write protect — (computing) Protecting of data on disk from alteration or erasure, eg by software command or a mechanical device on the disk (write protectˈ adjective and transitive verb) • • • Main Entry: ↑write … Useful english dictionary
Write Protect Notch — [dt. Schreibschutzkerbe] (Write Protect Tab), Diskette … Universal-Lexikon
write-protect — write pro·tect (rītʹprə tĕktʹ) tr.v. Computer Science write pro·tect·ed, write pro·tect·ing, write pro·tects To modify (a file or disk) so that its data cannot be edited or erased. * * * … Universalium
write-protect — verb Computing protect (a disk) from accidental writing or erasure … English new terms dictionary
write protect — form of ensuring that a storage medium cannot be written to … English contemporary dictionary
write-protect — … Useful english dictionary
write protect tab — library which is currently chosen, library which a program refers to as a default … English contemporary dictionary
write-protected — write protect UK US verb [T] IT ► to protect the data on a computer disk so that it cannot be changed or removed by a user: »Many operating systems include a command to write protect files. write protected adjective ► »a write protected disk/file … Financial and business terms
write-protection — write protect UK US verb [T] IT ► to protect the data on a computer disk so that it cannot be changed or removed by a user: »Many operating systems include a command to write protect files. write protected adjective ► »a write protected disk/file … Financial and business terms
Write protection — is any physical mechanism that prevents modification or erasure of valuable data on a device. Most commercial software, audio and video is sold pre protected.Examples of Write Protection* IBM 1/2 inch magnetic tape reels, introduced in the 1950s … Wikipedia