write out a check
Смотреть что такое "write out a check" в других словарях:
write out — verb 1. put into writing; write in complete form (Freq. 2) write out a contract • Syn: ↑write up • Topics: ↑writing, ↑authorship, ↑composition, ↑penning … Useful english dictionary
write out — Synonyms and related words: book, calendar, carve, catalog, chalk, chalk up, check in, chronicle, copy, copy out, cut, docket, draft, draw up, edit, enface, engrave, engross, enroll, enscroll, enter, file, fill out, grave, impanel, incise, index … Moby Thesaurus
check — I n. order to a bank (BE has cheque) 1) to issue, make out, write out a check to 2) to draw a check against one s account; to draw a check on a bank 3) to cash; clear; deposit; present a check 4) to cover a check (by making a deposit) 5) to… … Combinatory dictionary
write — W1S1 [raıt] v past tense wrote [rəut US rout] past participle written [ˈrıtn] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(book/article/poem etc)¦ 2¦(letter)¦ 3¦(form words)¦ 4¦(state something)¦ 5¦(music/song)¦ 6¦(computer program)¦ 7¦(a computer records something)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
Check Game — is a pricing game on the American television game show The Price Is Right . Debuting on October 14, 1981, it is played for a cash and prize package worth between $7,000 and $8,000. The game was created by producer Roger Dobkowitz.… … Wikipedia
write — [ raıt ] (past tense wrote [ rout ] ; past participle writ|ten [ rıtn ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 create story/letter etc. ▸ 2 make words etc. with pen ▸ 3 create formal document ▸ 4 in computing ▸ 5 spell a word ▸ 6 when pen works ▸ + PHRASES 1. )… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
write — (rīt) v. wrote (rōt), writ·ten (rĭt’n) also writ (rĭt), writ·ing, writes v. tr. 1. a) To form (letters, words, or symbols) on a surface such as paper with an instrument such as a pen. b) … Word Histories
write — [rīt] vt. wrote, written, writing [ME writen < OE writan, to scratch, engrave, write, akin to Ger reissen, to tear < IE base * wer , to tear off, scratch > Gr rhinē, a rasp] 1. a) to form or inscribe (words, letters, symbols, etc.) on a… … English World dictionary
check — check1 W2S1 [tʃek] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(find out)¦ 2¦(ask somebody)¦ 3¦(not do something)¦ 4¦(stop something)¦ 5¦(bags/cases etc)¦ 6¦(make a mark)¦ 7 Check Phrasal verbs check in check something<=>off … Dictionary of contemporary English
check — 1 /tSek/ verb 1 FIND OUT (I, T) to do something in order to find out whether something that you think is correct, true, or safe really is correct, true, or safe: Are all the windows shut? I ll just go and check. | check sth: I ll check my… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
check — A commercial demand deposit instrument signed by the maker and payable on the presentation to the bank on which it is drawn. American Banker Glossary A bill of exchange representing a draft on a bank from deposited funds that pays a certain sum… … Financial and business terms