writ of execution

writ of execution
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "writ of execution" в других словарях:

  • writ of execution — n. A writ ordering a law enforcement officer to enforce a judgment by the court. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. writ of execution one …   Law dictionary

  • writ of execution — ˌwrit of exeˈcution noun writs of execution PLURALFORM [countable] LAW a writ to put into effect a court s judgement by forcing someone to pay an amount of money or do something. It is usually addressed to a court officer, ordering him or her to… …   Financial and business terms

  • Writ of execution — A writ of execution is a common court order granted by a court in an attempt to satisfy a judgment obtained by a plaintiff. When issuing a writ of execution, a court typically will order a sheriff or other similar official to levy property owned… …   Wikipedia

  • Writ Of Execution — A legal term that describes a court order that is granted in order to satisfy a judgment awarded to a plaintiff in a court of law. If a court issues a writ of execution, usually a local sheriff is charged with taking possession of property owned… …   Investment dictionary

  • writ of execution — A direct command of the court to the sheriff to carry out the mandate of the writ which normally is the enforcement of a judgment. 30 Am J2d Exec § 28. See alias writ of execution; pluries writs …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • writ of execution — noun Law a writ directed to an official ordering the enforcement of a judgement …  

  • writ of execution — noun a routine court order that attempts to enforce the judgment that has been granted to a plaintiff by authorizing a sheriff to carry it out • Syn: ↑execution • Topics: ↑law, ↑jurisprudence • Hypernyms: ↑court order …   Useful english dictionary

  • writ of execution — noun Law a judicial order that a judgement be enforced …   English new terms dictionary

  • alias writ of execution — A second writ of execution issued in the same cause, where a former writ of the same kind has been issued without effect or without complete effect in satisfying the judgment upon which the writ was issued. 30 Am J2d Exec § 84 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • execution — ex·e·cu·tion /ˌek si kyü shən/ n 1: the act or process of executing witnessed the execution of the will 2: a putting to death as fulfillment of a judicial death sentence 3: the process of enforcing a judgment (as against a debtor); also: a… …   Law dictionary

  • writ — / rit/ n [Old English, something written] 1: a letter that was issued in the name of the English monarch from Anglo Saxon times to declare his grants, wishes, and commands 2: an order or mandatory process in writing issued in the name of the… …   Law dictionary

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