
ˈrɪŋə сущ. машина для отжимания белья вымогатель;
паук, кровопийца пресс для отжимания белья - to put through a * пропустить через пресс;
выжать (белье) > to put smb. through the * жестоко обращаться с кем-л. (особенно во время допроса) ;
вырывать признание;
вымогать у кого-л. деньги;
шантажировать кого-л.;
выжимать все соки (из рабочих, подчиненных) to put (smb.) through the ~ выжимать все соки (из подчиненных и т. п.) to put (smb.) through the ~ (жестоким обращением) исторгнуть признание wringer машина для отжимания белья

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wringer" в других словарях:

  • wringer — device for squeezing water from clothes, 1799, agent noun from WRING (Cf. wring). Figurative phrase to put (something) through the wringer first recorded 1942, Amer.Eng …   Etymology dictionary

  • wringer — [riŋ′ər] n. [ME, an oppressor] 1. a person or thing that wrings 2. a machine or device for squeezing out water or other liquid, esp. one fitted with opposed rollers to squeeze the water from wet clothes ☆ put someone through the wringer Slang to… …   English World dictionary

  • Wringer — Wring er, n. 1. One who, or that which, wrings; hence, an extortioner. [1913 Webster] 2. A machine for pressing water out of anything, particularly from clothes after they have been washed. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wringer — ► NOUN ▪ a device for wringing water from wet clothes or other objects …   English terms dictionary

  • wringer — UK [ˈrɪŋə(r)] / US [ˈrɪŋər] noun [countable] Word forms wringer : singular wringer plural wringers American a mangle • go through/put someone through the wringer to suffer, or to make someone suffer, an unpleasant experience She s been put… …   English dictionary

  • wringer — noun Date: 14th century one that wrings: as a. a machine or device for pressing out liquid or moisture < a clothes wringer > b. something that causes pain, hardship, or exertion < his illness put them through the wringer > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • wringer — wring|er [ˈrıŋə US ər] n 1.) a machine with two parts that roll over each other and press on wet clothes to remove water = ↑mangle 2.) go through the wringer AmE informal to have a lot of problems and upsetting experiences ▪ She s really been… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • wringer — [[t]rɪ̱ŋə(r)[/t]] PHRASE: V inflects If you say that someone has been put through the wringer or has gone through the wringer, you mean that they have suffered a very difficult or unpleasant experience. [INFORMAL] …   English dictionary

  • wringer — noun (C) 1 a machine with two rollers roller (1) that press the water from washed clothes when you turn a handle 2 go through the wringer AmE informal to have an upsetting experience: She s really been through the wringer since her husband died …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • wringer — /ring euhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that wrings. 2. an apparatus or machine for squeezing liquid out of anything wet, as two rollers through which an article of wet clothing may be squeezed. 3. a painful, difficult, or tiring experience; ordeal… …   Universalium

  • wringer — wring|er [ rıŋər ] noun count a machine used for squeezing water out of clothes go through/put someone through the wringer to suffer, or to make someone suffer, an unpleasant experience …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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