
rest гл.
1) вырывать (силой) ;
2) добиваться чего-л.;
вырывать (оружие, победу у врага) ;
исторгать (согласие;
from - у кого-л.) To wrest a territory from the sea. ≈ Отвоевать территорию у моря.
3) искажать, истолковывать неправильно (закон, текст) рывок;
вывертывание ключ настройщика музыкальных инструментов (техническое) разводка (пилы) вырывать (силой) ;
выворачивать - he *ed his antagonist's gun from him он вырвал у противника пистолет - he *ed the door open он взломал дверь, он сорвал дверь с петель добиваться ценой больших усилий;
вырывать (победу у врага, согласие и т. п.) - to * a living from barren land с трудом перебиваться на неплодородной земле - to * control of the government from the military вырвать контроль над правительством из рук военных искажать, извращать (факты, текст) ;
ложно толковать (закон и т. п.) - he *s the law to suit himself он истолковывает смысл закона в свою пользу злоупотреблять чем-л. wrest вырывать (оружие, победу у врага) ;
исторгать (согласие;
from - у кого-л.) ~ вырывать (силой) ;
выворачивать ~ искажать, истолковывать неправильно (закон, текст)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wrest" в других словарях:

  • Wrest — Wrest, n. 1. The act of wresting; a wrench; a violent twist; hence, distortion; perversion. Hooker. [1913 Webster] 2. Active or moving power. [Obs.] Spenser. [1913 Webster] 3. A key to tune a stringed instrument of music. [1913 Webster] The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wrest — Wrest, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Wrested}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Wresting}.] [OE. wresten, AS. wr?stan; akin to wr?? a twisted band, and wr[=i]?n to twist. See {Writhe}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To turn; to twist; esp., to twist or extort by violence; to pull of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wrest´er — wrest «rehst», verb, noun. –v.t. 1. to twist, pull, or tear away with force; wrench away: »After much pulling and tugging he wrested the stick from the jaws of the dog. 2. to take by force: »The nobles wrested the power from the king. 3.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • wrest — [rest] v [T always + adverb/preposition] [: Old English; Origin: wrAstan] 1.) formal to take power or influence away from someone, especially when this is difficult ▪ They are fighting to wrest control of the party from the old leaders. 2.)… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • wrest — wrest; wrest·er; turn·wrest; …   English syllables

  • wrest — index contort, deprive, exact, extort, levy, seize (confiscate), sequester (seize property), slant …   Law dictionary

  • wrest — [ rest ] verb transitive 1. ) MAINLY JOURNALISM to get land, power, or possessions from someone, usually by fighting: Russia wrested control of the northern Caucasus in the 19th century. 2. ) FORMAL to pull something away from someone using force …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • wrest — (v.) O.E. wræstan to twist, wrench, from P.Gmc. *wraistijanan (Cf. O.N. reista to bend, twist ), derivative of *wrig , *wreik to turn (see WRY (Cf. wry)). Meaning to pull, detach (something) is recorded from c.1300. Meaning to take by force (in… …   Etymology dictionary

  • wrest — vb *wrench, wring Analogous words: twist, bend (see CURVE): usurp, *arrogate, confiscate: extort, extract, elicit (see EDUCE): distort, contort (see DEFORM) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • wrest — ► VERB 1) forcibly pull from a person s grasp. 2) take (power or control) after effort or resistance. ORIGIN Old English, «twist, tighten»; related to WRIST(Cf. ↑wrist) …   English terms dictionary

  • wrest — [rest] vt. [ME wresten < OE wræstan, to twist violently, akin to ON reista < IE base * wer , to turn, bend, twist > WRITHE] 1. to turn or twist; esp., to pull or force away violently with a twisting motion 2. to take or extract by force; …   English World dictionary

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