wound rotor
Смотреть что такое "wound rotor" в других словарях:
wound rotor — fazinis rotorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. phase wound rotor; wound rotor vok. gewickelter Läufer, m; Phasenläufer, m; Schleifringläufer, m rus. фазный ротор, m pranc. rotor à bagues collectrices, m; rotor bobiné, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
wound rotor — noun A type of rotor, that consists of a laminated core which is cylindrical in shape and carries AC current across it. Slip rings are mounted on the shaft … Wiktionary
wound-rotor motor — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: wound, past participle of wind : an induction motor with a rotor having a polyphase winding to permit secondary circuit adjustment not possible in the case of a squirrel cage induction motor … Useful english dictionary
Wound Rotor Motors — A type of motor that has a rotor with electrical windings connected through slip rings to the external power circuit. An external resistance controller in the rotor circuit allows the performance of the motor to be tailored to the needs of the… … Energy terms
phase-wound rotor — fazinis rotorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. phase wound rotor; wound rotor vok. gewickelter Läufer, m; Phasenläufer, m; Schleifringläufer, m rus. фазный ротор, m pranc. rotor à bagues collectrices, m; rotor bobiné, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
rotor bobiné — fazinis rotorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. phase wound rotor; wound rotor vok. gewickelter Läufer, m; Phasenläufer, m; Schleifringläufer, m rus. фазный ротор, m pranc. rotor à bagues collectrices, m; rotor bobiné, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
rotor à bagues collectrices — fazinis rotorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. phase wound rotor; wound rotor vok. gewickelter Läufer, m; Phasenläufer, m; Schleifringläufer, m rus. фазный ротор, m pranc. rotor à bagues collectrices, m; rotor bobiné, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
ROTOR — was a huge and elaborate air defence radar system built by the British Government in the early 1950s to counter possible attack by Soviet bombers. The system was built up primarily of war era radar systems, and was used only shortly before being… … Wikipedia
rotor — /roh teuhr/, n. 1. Elect. a rotating member of a machine. Cf. stator (def. 1). 2. Aeron. a system of rotating airfoils, as the horizontal ones of a helicopter or of the compressor of a jet engine. 3. any of a number of tall, cylindrical devices… … Universalium
Arturo Belleza Rotor — Arturo B. Rotor (June 7, 1907–April 9, 1988) was a Filipino medical doctor, civil servant, musician, and writer. Contents 1 Medical career 2 Writing career 3 Orchids 4 Other interests … Wikipedia
WRIM — Wound Rotor Induction Motor (Academic & Science » Electronics) … Abbreviations dictionary