worsted wool

worsted wool
камвольная [гребенная] шерсть

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "worsted wool" в других словарях:

  • Wool —    This animal fiber is derived from the hair of sheep or lamb. Wool fiber dates back 10,000 years when early man in Central Asia discovered that the hair from animal skins, which were already being used to provide warmth, could be formed into… …   Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry

  • Worsted — (pronunciation: IPA| [ˈwʊstɪd] ), is the name of a yarn, the cloth made from this yarn, and a yarn weight category. The name derives from the village of Worstead in the English county of Norfolk. This village became, along with North Walsham and… …   Wikipedia

  • Wool — is the fiber derived from the specialized skin cells, called follicles, [Australian Wool Corporation, Australian Wool Classing, Raw Wool Services, 1990] of animals in the Caprinae family, principally sheep, but the hair of certain species of… …   Wikipedia

  • worsted — [woos′tid, wʉr′stid] n. [ME wurstede, after Worsted, now Worstead, England, where first made] 1. a smooth, firmly twisted thread or yarn made from long staple wool combed to make the fibers lie in the same direction 2. fabric made from this, as… …   English World dictionary

  • Worsted — Worst ed (?; 277), n. [From Worsted, now spelled Worstead, a town in Norfolk, England; for Worthstead. See {Worth}, n., and {Stead}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Well twisted yarn spun of long staple wool which has been combed to lay the fibers parallel,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • worsted — ► NOUN 1) a fine smooth yarn spun from long strands of combed wool. 2) fabric made from such yarn. ORIGIN from Worstead, a parish in Norfolk, England …   English terms dictionary

  • worsted — /woos tid, werr stid/, n. 1. firmly twisted yarn or thread spun from combed, stapled wool fibers of the same length, for weaving, knitting, etc. Cf. woolen. 2. wool cloth woven from such yarns, having a hard, smooth surface and no nap. adj. 3.… …   Universalium

  • wool — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. fleece; down, hair; worsted, yarn. adj. woolen; knitted; woolly, hairy, fleecy, downy, fluffy, flocculent. See covering, softness, materials. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Fleecy fiber, especially of sheep]… …   English dictionary for students

  • worsted — 1. noun /ˈwʊs.tɪd,ˈwʊs.tɪd,ˈwɝ.stɪd/ a) Yarn made from long strands of wool. Yes, young people are usually blind to everything but their own wishes, and seldom imagine how much those wishes cost others, said Mrs. Garth She did not mean to go… …   Wiktionary

  • wool — woollike, adj. /wool/, n. 1. the fine, soft, curly hair that forms the fleece of sheep and certain other animals, characterized by minute, overlapping surface scales that give it its felting property. 2. fabrics and garments of such wool. 3. yarn …   Universalium

  • worsted — I. /ˈwʊstəd / (say woostuhd) noun 1. firmly twisted yarn or thread spun from combed long staple wool, used for weaving, etc. 2. wool cloth woven from such yarns, having a hard, smooth surface, and no nap. –adjective 3. consisting or made of… …  

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