worship service — Служба1 … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
Universal Worship Service — The Universal Worship Service was created by Inayat Khan as a prayer service honoring the religious traditions of the world as equal sources of spirituality.The service is officiated by the clergy of Universal Sufism who are called Cherags and… … Wikipedia
WORSHIP — WORSHIP, service rendered to God and comprehending both the attitude of reverence and love toward the Deity and the activity – in conduct as well as ritual – in which the homage finds expression. Terminology The biblical vocabulary of worship is… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Service — can refer to: * Selfless service, * Public services, services carried out with the aim of providing a public good * Service (economics), the non material equivalent of a good in economics and marketing * Service (music), musical settings for… … Wikipedia
Service of worship — In the Protestant denominations of Christianity, a service of worship is a meeting whose primary purpose is the worship of God. The phrase is normally shortened to service . It is also commonly called a worship service. The term is also commonly… … Wikipedia
worship — [n] honoring, glorification adoration, adulation, awe, beatification, benediction, chapel, church service, deification, devotion, exaltation, genuflection, glory, homage, honor, idolatry, idolization, invocation, laudation, love, offering, praise … New thesaurus
worship — [wʉr′ship] n. [ME worschip < OE weorthscipe, honor, dignity, worship: see WORTH1 & SHIP] 1. a) reverence or devotion for a deity; religious homage or veneration b) a church service or other rite showing this 2. extreme devotion or intense … English World dictionary
service — service1 [sʉr′vis] n. [ME servise < OFr < L servitium, servitude < servus, slave: see SERF] 1. the occupation or condition of a servant 2. a) employment, esp. public employment [diplomatic service] b) a branch or department of this,… … English World dictionary
service — ► NOUN 1) the action or process of serving. 2) a period of employment with an organization. 3) an act of assistance. 4) a ceremony of religious worship according to a prescribed form. 5) a system supplying a public need such as transport, or… … English terms dictionary
Worship — Wor ship, v. i. To perform acts of homage or adoration; esp., to perform religious service. [1913 Webster] Our fathers worshiped in this mountain; and ye say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. John iv. 20. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
service — [n1] aid, help account, advantage, applicability, appropriateness, assistance, avail, benefit, business, check, courtesy, dispensation, duty, employ, employment, favor, fitness, indulgence, kindness, labor, maintenance, ministration, office,… … New thesaurus