- worrywart
- беспокойный, мнительный человек, вечно ожидающий неприятностей
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
worrywart — {n. phr.} A person who always worries. * / Stop being such a worrywart, Bob said to Alice, who was constantly weighing herself on the bathroom scale./ … Dictionary of American idioms
worrywart — {n. phr.} A person who always worries. * / Stop being such a worrywart, Bob said to Alice, who was constantly weighing herself on the bathroom scale./ … Dictionary of American idioms
worrywart — ☆ worrywart [wʉr′ēwôrt΄ ] n. [ WORRY + WART] Informal a person who tends to worry, esp. over insignificant details … English World dictionary
worrywart — noun /ˈwʌɹ.ɪˌwɔːt,ˈwɝ.iˌwɔɹt/ A person who worries excessively, especially about unimportant matters. It doesnt mean youre a worrywart, a nervous wreck or in need of heavy medication. Syn: bundle of nerves, fussbudget, worrier … Wiktionary
worrywart — n. phr. A person who always worries. Stop being such a worrywart, Bob said to Alice, who was constantly weighing herself on the bathroom scale … Словарь американских идиом
worrywart — noun Date: 1936 a person who is inclined to worry unduly … New Collegiate Dictionary
worrywart — /werr ee wawrt , wur /, n. a person who tends to worry habitually and often needlessly; pessimist; fussbudget. [1930 35; WORRY + WART] * * * … Universalium
Worrywart — one who constantly worries unnecessarily … Dictionary of Australian slang
worrywart — Australian Slang one who constantly worries unnecessarily … English dialects glossary
worrywart — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n., informal, worrier, nervous Nellie (inf.), Cassandra. See care, fear. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. worrier, nervous person, nervous type*, old maid*; see neurotic . III (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun A… … English dictionary for students
worrywart — wor|ry|wart [ˈwʌriwo:t US ˈwə:riwo:rt] n AmE informal someone who worries a lot about unimportant things … Dictionary of contemporary English