
потертый, сносившийся - * clothes поношенная одежда - * rope измочаленная веревка - steps * with pilgrims' knees ступени, истертые коленями богомольцев старый, шаблонный, избитый, неоригинальный, плоский (о шутке)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "worn-down" в других словарях:

  • worn-down — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective 1. : showing the effect of wear a worn down pair of shoes the worn down riverbed a worn down estate 2. : nervously exhausted or fatigued a worn down woman weary of eternal housework a …   Useful english dictionary

  • Worn Down Piano — is a song by the North American Mark Clark Band, from their album Double Take .The song is written in 1977 by Clark and Mark Seymour, twin brothers. It was released as a single.The length of the song is 8:10.The lyrics are about a piano that s… …   Wikipedia

  • worn-down — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Extremely tired: bleary, dead, drained, exhausted, fatigued, rundown, spent, tired out, wearied, weariful, weary, worn out. Informal: beat, bushed, tuckered (out). Slang: done in, fagged (out), pooped (out).… …   English dictionary for students

  • worn — / worn out [adj] used, tired beat, burned out*, bushed*, busted*, clichéd, consumed, depleted, destroyed, deteriorated, drained, drawn, effete, exhausted, fatigued, frayed, gone, hackneyed, had it*, haggard, jaded, kaput*, knocked out*, old, out… …   New thesaurus

  • worn-out — worn / worn out [adj] used, tired beat, burned out*, bushed*, busted*, clichéd, consumed, depleted, destroyed, deteriorated, drained, drawn, effete, exhausted, fatigued, frayed, gone, hackneyed, had it*, haggard, jaded, kaput*, knocked out*, old …   New thesaurus

  • down at heel — ► ADJECTIVE chiefly Brit. 1) (of a shoe) with the heel worn down. 2) shabby or impoverished …   English terms dictionary

  • worn — Synonyms and related words: abated, ablated, ablative, attenuated, ausgespielt, back number, banal, bare, bated, belittled, bewhiskered, biodegradable, bromidic, burned out, careworn, common, commonplace, consumed, contracted, corny, corrosive,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • down — 1 /daUn/ adverb 1 from above towards a lower place or position: David bent down to tie his shoelace. | The sun beat down on their heads all day long. 2 at a lower place or position than usual: You can t cross here, the bridge is down. 3 at or… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Down — 1. adv., prep., adj., v., & n. adv. (superl. downmost) 1 into or towards a lower place, esp. to the ground (fall down; knelt down). 2 in a lower place or position (blinds were down). 3 to or in a place regarded as lower, esp.: a southwards. b… …   Useful english dictionary

  • down — 1. adv., prep., adj., v., & n. adv. (superl. downmost) 1 into or towards a lower place, esp. to the ground (fall down; knelt down). 2 in a lower place or position (blinds were down). 3 to or in a place regarded as lower, esp.: a southwards. b… …   Useful english dictionary

  • down at heel — ▶ adjective 1 the resort looks down at heel: RUN DOWN, dilapidated, neglected, uncared for; seedy, insalubrious, squalid, slummy, wretched; …   Useful english dictionary

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