worldly wisdom
Смотреть что такое "worldly wisdom" в других словарях:
worldly wisdom — index common sense Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
The Art of Worldly Wisdom — is a book by Baltasar Gracián y Morales (a.k.a Baltasar Gracion). It is a collection of maxims. Oráculo manual y arte de prudencia was written in 1637, and became popular throughout Europe. The book is a collection of 300 paragraphs on various… … Wikipedia
Wisdom — is a concept of personal gaining of knowledge, understanding, experience, discretion, and intuitive understanding, along with a capacity to apply these qualities well towards finding solutions to problems. It is the judicious and purposeful… … Wikipedia
wisdom — I noun acumen, astuteness, caliber, clear thinking, cognition, common sense, comprehension, discernment, discretion, edification, enlightenment, erudition, experience, good judgment, information, insight, intellectuality, intelligence, knowledge … Law dictionary
wisdom — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ deep, great, profound ▪ accepted, common, conventional, folk, perceived, popular, prevailing … Collocations dictionary
worldly — adj. (worldlier, worldliest) 1 temporal or earthly (worldly goods). 2 engrossed in temporal affairs, esp. the pursuit of wealth and pleasure. Phrases and idioms: worldly minded intent on worldly things. worldly wisdom prudence as regards one s… … Useful english dictionary
worldly — worldliness, n. /werrld lee/, adj., worldlier, worldliest, adv. adj. 1. of or pertaining to this world as contrasted with heaven, spiritual life, etc.; earthly; mundane. 2. experienced; knowing; sophisticated: the benefits of his worldly wisdom.… … Universalium
WISDOM; WISDOM LITERATURE — Connotation of Wisdom Wisdom (Heb. ḥokhmah) has a wide range of meanings in different contexts, as illustrated in stories about Solomon, the traditional paragon of wisdom: cunning (I Kings 2:6, 9), moral discernment (3:9, 12), understanding of… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
worldly — adj. Worldly is used with these nouns: ↑possession, ↑success, ↑wisdom … Collocations dictionary
Sophia (wisdom) — Sophia (Σoφíα, Greek for wisdom ) is a central term in Hellenistic philosophy and religion, Platonism, Gnosticism, Orthodox Christianity, Esoteric Christianity, as well as Christian mysticism. Sophiology is a philosophical concept regarding… … Wikipedia
Masters of the Ancient Wisdom (Theosophy) — Part of a series on Theosophy Founders of the T. S. Helena Blavatsky · … Wikipedia