world coordinate system

world coordinate system
внешняя система координат, проф. мировые координаты

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "world coordinate system" в других словарях:

  • World coordinate system — Внешняя система координат …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Coordinate system — For geographical coordinates on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:WikiProject Geographical coordinates. In geometry, a coordinate system is a system which uses one or more numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely determine the position of a point or other… …   Wikipedia

  • World Geodetic System — The World Geodetic System defines a reference frame for the earth, for use in geodesy and navigation. The latest revision is WGS 84 dating from 1984 (last revised in 2004), which will be valid up to about 2010.Earlier schemes included WGS 72, WGS …   Wikipedia

  • World Geodetic System 1984 — Das World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) ist ein geodätisches Referenzsystem als einheitliche Grundlage für Positionsangaben auf der Erde und im erdnahen Weltraum. Lage des 50. Breitengrades nach World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Geographic coordinate system — Map of Earth showing lines of latitude (horizontally) and longitude (vertically), Eckert VI projection; large version (pdf, 3.12MB) …   Wikipedia

  • Homogeneous coordinate system — A homogeneous coordinate system is a coordinate system in which there is an extra dimension, used most commonly in computer science to specify whether the given coordinates represent a vector (if the last coordinate is zero) or a point (if the… …   Wikipedia

  • Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system — The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system is a grid based method of specifying locations on the surface of the Earth. It is used to identify locations on the earth, but differs from the traditional method of latitude and longitude …   Wikipedia

  • World line — In physics, the world line of an object is the unique path of that object as it travels through 4 dimensional spacetime.The concept of world line is distinguished from the concept of orbit or trajectory (such as an orbit in space or a trajectory… …   Wikipedia

  • World file — A world file is a plain text computer data file used by geographic information systems to coordinate raster map images. The file specification was introduced by ESRI. [cite web |title=FAQ: What is the format of the world file used for… …   Wikipedia

  • World government — United States of Earth redirects here. For the government in the television show Futurama, see Politics in Futurama. World empire and World State redirect here. For the computer game, see World Empire. For the World State in Brave New World, see… …   Wikipedia

  • Coordinate conditions — In general relativity, the laws of physics can be expressed in a generally covariant form. In other words, the real world does not care about our coordinate systems. However, it is often useful to fix upon a particular coordinate system, in order …   Wikipedia

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