work way

work way
прокладывать путь

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "work way" в других словарях:

  • way — way1 W1S1 [weı] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(method)¦ 2¦(manner)¦ 3¦(direction/how to go somewhere)¦ 4¦(part of something that is true)¦ 5¦(distance/time)¦ 6¦(the space in front of you)¦ 7 make way (for something/somebody) 8 out of the way 9 on the/your/its way …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • work — [wʉrk] n. [ME werk < OE weorc, akin to Ger werk < IE base * werĝ , to do, act > Gr ergon (for * wergon), action, work, organon, tool, instrument] 1. physical or mental effort exerted to do or make something; purposeful activity; labor;… …   English World dictionary

  • work your way — phrase if you work your way somewhere, you travel there slowly and with difficulty Mitch was working his way up the hill with a heavy pack on his back. Thesaurus: to move, or to move something towards a placesynonym to move, or to move something …   Useful english dictionary

  • work your way up sth — (also work your way up to sth) ► to do a series of jobs at different levels in an organization until you reach a position at the top of the organization: »She joined the company as a sales rep but worked her way up to managing director. work your …   Financial and business terms

  • work around — ˌwork a ˈround ˌwork ˈround british [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they work around he/she/it works around present participle …   Useful english dictionary

  • Work Activity Management — (WAM) is the process of creating, delegating and tracking the progress of multiple tasks to completion. It is the next step in the form of project management, which is described as “the discipline of organizing and managing resources in such a… …   Wikipedia

  • Work Time — Album par Sonny Rollins Sortie 1956 Enregistrement 2 décembre 1955 Durée 32:46 Genre Jazz (bop) Producteur Bob Weinstock …   Wikipédia en Français

  • work your way through college — work your way through college/university/ phrase to have a job when you are at college/​university in order to help to pay for your studies Thesaurus: to work, and to work in a particular waysynonym Main entry: work …   Useful english dictionary

  • work your way through university — work your way through college/university/ phrase to have a job when you are at college/​university in order to help to pay for your studies Thesaurus: to work, and to work in a particular waysynonym Main entry: work …   Useful english dictionary

  • Work — (w[^u]rk), n. [OE. work, werk, weorc, AS. weorc, worc; akin to OFries. werk, wirk, OS., D., & G. werk, OHG. werc, werah, Icel. & Sw. verk, Dan. v[ae]rk, Goth. gawa[ u]rki, Gr. e rgon, [digamma]e rgon, work, re zein to do, o rganon an instrument,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Work ethic — is a set of values based on the moral virtues of hard work and diligence. It is also a belief in the moral benefit of work and its ability to enhance character. An example would be the Protestant work ethic. A work ethic may include being… …   Wikipedia

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