work part time

work part time
работать неполное количество рабочих часов/неполную рабочую неделю

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "work part time" в других словарях:

  • part-time — ˌpart ˈtime adjective JOBS someone who has a part time job only works for part of the week: • The forestry projects will generate part time and seasonal employment. • He provides scientific expertise on a part time basis. compare flexitime, full… …   Financial and business terms

  • part-time — S3 adj [only before noun] someone who has a part time job works for only part of each day or week ▪ a part time job ▪ women wishing to return to work on a part time basis >part time adv ▪ She wants to work part time after she s had the baby.… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • part time — adv. as a part time employee, student, etc. [to work part time] …   English World dictionary

  • part-time — ADJ (The adverb is also spelled part time.) If someone is a part time worker or has a part time job, they work for only part of each day or week. Many businesses are cutting back by employing lower paid part time workers... Part time work is… …   English dictionary

  • part-time — adj. /pahrt tuym /; adv. /pahrt tuym /, adj. 1. employed to work, used, expected to function, etc., less than the usual or full time: a part time clerk. 2. lasting, requiring, or being in force only a part of the time: part time employment; part… …   Universalium

  • part-time — adj. [[t]ˈpɑrtˌtaɪm[/t]] adv. [[t]ˈpɑrtˈtaɪm[/t]] adj. 1) working or attending school less than the usual or full time 2) cvb pertaining to or noting such work or study: part time employment[/ex] 3) on a part time basis: to work part time[/ex] •… …   From formal English to slang

  • part-time — adjective (only before noun) a part time worker works regularly for a part of the usual working time: Mattie had a part time job in the evenings. compare full­time part time adverb: She ll work part time after she s had the baby. part timer noun… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • part-time — adj. 1. Occupying less than the entire time appropriate to an activity; as, a part time job. Opposed to {full time}. [WordNet 1.5] 2. Employed for less than the full time usually expended at a task or occupation; as, part time employees; a part… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • part-time — adjective ** done for only part of the time that an activity is usually performed: a part time job a. doing part time work or study: a part time student/worker ╾ ,part timer noun count ╾ ,part time adverb: She works part time at the nursery. ─… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • part-time — [pärt′tīm′] adj. designating, of, or engaged in work, study, etc. for specified periods regarded as taking less time than a regular or full schedule …   English World dictionary

  • Part-time — A part time job is a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full time job. Workers are considered to be part time if they commonly work fewer than 30 or 35 hours per week.[1] According to the International Labour Organization …   Wikipedia

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