wool yarn
Смотреть что такое "wool yarn" в других словарях:
dyed-in-the-wool yarn-dyed — dyed dyed adj. 1. colored or impregnated with dye. [Narrower terms: {dyed in the wool, yarn dyed}; {hennaed}] {undyed} Syn: tinted. [WordNet 1.5] 2. having a new color imparted by impregnation with dye; having an artificially produced color; not… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wool — is the fiber derived from the specialized skin cells, called follicles, [Australian Wool Corporation, Australian Wool Classing, Raw Wool Services, 1990] of animals in the Caprinae family, principally sheep, but the hair of certain species of… … Wikipedia
Wool — This animal fiber is derived from the hair of sheep or lamb. Wool fiber dates back 10,000 years when early man in Central Asia discovered that the hair from animal skins, which were already being used to provide warmth, could be formed into… … Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry
Wool Act 1699 — The Wool Act of 1699 is an Act of the Parliament of England (11 Will. III c. 13) [long title An Act for continuing severall Laws therein mentioned, and for explaining the Act intituled An Act to prevent the Exportation of Wooll out of the… … Wikipedia
wool — [wool] n. [ME wolle < OE wull, akin to Ger wolle < IE base * wel , hair, wool, grass > L villus, shaggy hair, vellus, fleece, lana, wool, Gr lēnos, wool] 1. a) the soft, curly or crisp hair of sheep b) the hair of some other animals, as… … English World dictionary
Wool (disambiguation) — Wool is the fibre commonly produced from sheepWool (the fiber) refers to one of the following: *Alpaca wool, derived from fur of alpacas *Angora wool, derived from fur of rabbits *Cashmere wool, derived from fur of goats *Cotton wool, derived… … Wikipedia
wool — [wul] n [U] [: Old English; Origin: wull] 1.) the soft thick hair that sheep and some goats have on their body →↑lambswool 2.) material made from wool ▪ a pure wool skirt ▪ a mix of 80% wool and 20% man made fibres ↑knitting needle, ↑wool 3.) … Dictionary of contemporary English
yarn — [n1] fiber for knitting cotton fiber, flaxen thread, fleece, spun wool, thread, twist, wool; concept 473 yarn [n2] story, often long and made up adventure, alibi, anecdote, fable, fabrication, fairy tale, lie, line, narrative, potboiler*, prose,… … New thesaurus
yarn — [yärn] n. [ME < OE gearn, yarn, akin to Ger garn < IE base * g̑her , intestine > L haru spex, soothsayer, lit., intestine seer, Gr chordē] 1. any fiber, as wool, silk, flax, cotton, nylon, glass, etc., spun into strands for weaving,… … English World dictionary
Yarn — Yarn, n. [OE. yarn, [yogh]arn, AS. gearn; akin to D. garen, G., OHG., Icel., Sw., & Dan. garn; of uncertain origin. Cf. {Cord}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Spun wool; woolen thread; also, thread of other material, as of cotton, flax, hemp, or silk;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
yarn — [ jarn ] noun * 1. ) uncount cotton, wool, or other fibers in the form of thick THREAD (=a substance like string): a ball of yarn 2. ) count INFORMAL a long story with a lot of exciting details spin (someone) a yarn to give someone a long… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English