wood-based panel

wood-based panel
древесная плита

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wood-based panel" в других словарях:

  • Wood — /wood/, n. 1. Grant, 1892 1942, U.S. painter. 2. Leonard, 1860 1927, U.S. military doctor and political administrator. * * * I Hard, fibrous material formed by the accumulation of secondary xylem produced by the vascular cambium. It is the… …   Universalium

  • wood — wood1 woodless, adj. /wood/, n. 1. the hard, fibrous substance composing most of the stem and branches of a tree or shrub, and lying beneath the bark; the xylem. 2. the trunks or main stems of trees as suitable for architectural and other… …   Universalium

  • Wood router — A router is a woodworking tool used to rout out (hollow out) an area in the face of a piece of wood. It was a tool particularly used by pattern makers and staircase makers and consisted of a broad based wooden hand plane with a narrow blade… …   Wikipedia

  • Engineered wood — This 1966 photo shows wood waste being burned for fuel in Portland, Oregon …   Wikipedia

  • Diane Wood — Judge of the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit Incumbent Assumed office June 30, 1995 Nominated by Bill Clinton Preceded by …   Wikipedia

  • CNC wood router — A CNC wood router uses CNC (computer numerical control) and is similar to a metal CNC mill with the following differences:*The wood router typically spins faster mdash; with a range of 13000 to 24,000 RPM *It typically uses smaller tools mdash;… …   Wikipedia

  • Structural insulated panel — Structural insulated panels (or structural insulating panels ), SIPs, are a composite building material. They consist of a sandwich of two layers of structural board with an insulating layer of foam in between. The board is usually oriented… …   Wikipedia

  • Hundred Acre Wood — The Hundred Acre Wood (also spelled as 100 Ackere Wood, Hundred Acre Wood, and 100 Acre Wood; also known as simply The Wood ) is the fictional land inhabited by Winnie the Pooh and his friends in the Winnie the Pooh series of children s stories… …   Wikipedia

  • Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview        Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… …   Universalium

  • Classical office furniture — Introduction Chinese Antique furniture can be divided into two categories, one is valuable antique furniture, mainly referring to that made four or five hundred years ago in the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. This period was the pinnacle of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Western India Plywoods Ltd. — Established in 1945 the company started manufacture of sawn timber and plywood on a modest scale with a few indigenous and lent leased machinery. Due to the progressive outlook and relentless efforts of WIP’s founder Managing Director Shri. A.K.… …   Wikipedia

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