- wood spirit
- ˈwudˈspɪrɪt = wood alcohol
метиловый или древесный спирт (фольклор) леший;
лесной дух;
лесной царь
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Wood spirit — Wood Wood, n. [OE. wode, wude, AS. wudu, wiodu; akin to OHG. witu, Icel. vi?r, Dan. & Sw. ved wood, and probably to Ir. & Gael. fiodh, W. gwydd trees, shrubs.] [1913 Webster] 1. A large and thick collection of trees; a forest or grove; frequently … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wood spirit — n. METHANOL … English World dictionary
wood spirit — Alcohol Al co*hol ([a^]l k[ o]*h[o^]l), n. [Cf. F. alcool, formerly written alcohol, Sp. alcohol alcohol, antimony, galena, OSp. alcofol; all fr. Ar. al kohl a powder of antimony or galena, to paint the eyebrows with. The name was afterwards… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wood spirit — metanolis statusas T sritis chemija formulė CH₃OH atitikmenys: angl. carbinol; colonial spirit; methanol; methyl alcohol; wood alcohol; wood spirit rus. древесный спирт; карбинол; метанол; метиловый спирт ryšiai: sinonimas – metilo alkoholis … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
wood spirit — metilo alkoholis statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Vienas iš monohidroksilių alkoholių (CH₃OH) – bespalvis, degus skystis, reaguojantis su šarminiais metalais. Oksiduojasi, katalizatorių veikiamas atskelia vandenilį. Iš kvapo… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
wood spirit — Methyl Meth yl, n. [See {Methylene}.] (Chem.) A univalent hydrocarbon radical, {CH3 }, not existing alone but regarded as an essential residue of methane, and appearing as a component part of many derivatives; as, methyl alcohol, methyl ether,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wood spirit — wood′ spir it n. chem. methyl alcohol • Etymology: 1835–45 … From formal English to slang
wood-spirit — n. Pyroxylic acid, pyroxylic spirit, wood naphtha, methylic alcohol, pyroligneous spirit … New dictionary of synonyms
wood spirit — noun a) A dryad or other spiritual being associated to forests, woods, or trees. b) Methanol, a type of alcohol. Syn: dryad, methanol … Wiktionary
wood spirit — /ˈwʊd spɪrət/ (say wood spiruht) noun 1. Also, wood alcohol. → methyl alcohol. 2. a supernatural being supposedly inhabiting woods …
wood spirit — methyl alcohol, methanol, wood alcohol; supernatural being having no body or form believed to live in the forest … English contemporary dictionary