wood sheathing
Смотреть что такое "wood sheathing" в других словарях:
sheathing board — noun : a composition board (as fiber board or gypsum plaster board) used to take the place of wood sheathing for buildings … Useful english dictionary
sheathing — Synonyms and related words: beam, billet, blanketing, blocking, blotting out, board, boarding, case, casing, cementwork, clapboard, cloaking, clouding, coating, cord, cordwood, coverage, covering, curtaining, deal, driftwood, eclipse, eclipsing,… … Moby Thesaurus
wood — Synonyms and related words: acacia, afforestation, alder, arboretum, ash, backlog, balsa, balsam, banyan, bass, basswood, bavin, beam, beech, beechwood, billet, birch, board, boarding, boondocks, brush, brushwood, burl, bush, bushveld, buttonwood … Moby Thesaurus
Wood shingle — Because trees were plentiful from the earliest days of settlement of North America, the use of wood for all aspects of construction is not surprising. Wooden roof shingles were lightweight, made with simple tools, and easily installed. Wooden… … Wikipedia
sheathing — /shee dhing/, n. 1. the act of a person who sheathes. 2. something that sheathes; a covering or outer layer of metal, wood, or other material, as one of metal plates on a ship s bottom, the first covering of boards on a house, etc. 3. material… … Universalium
sheathing — /ˈʃiðɪŋ/ (say sheedhing) noun 1. the act of someone who sheathes. 2. that which sheathes; a covering or outer layer of metal, wood, or other material, as one of the metal plates on a ship s bottom, the first covering of boards on a house, etc. 3 …
Copper sheathing — was the practice of protecting the under water hull of a ship or boat through the use of copper plates affixed to the outside of the hull. It was pioneered and developed by the Royal Navy during the 18th century. Contents 1 Development 2 Humphry… … Wikipedia
metalwork — metalworker, n. /met l werrk /, n. objects made of metal. [1840 50; METAL + WORK] * * * Useful and decorative objects fashioned of various metals. The oldest technique is hammering. After с 2500 BC, casting was also used, molten metal being… … Universalium
Zome — The term zome is used in several related senses. A zome in the originalsense is a building using unusual geometries [http://www.cyberarchi.com/actus dossiers/logement individuel/index.php?dossier=69 article=2896] (different from the standard… … Wikipedia
HMS Shannon (1875) — The eighth HMS Shannon was the first British armoured cruiser. She was the last Royal Navy ironclad to be built which had a propeller that could be hoisted out of the water to reduce drag when she was under sail, and the first to have an armoured … Wikipedia
Framing (construction) — Framing, in construction known as light frame construction, is a building technique based around structural members, usually called studs, which provide a stable frame to which interior and exterior wall coverings are attached, and covered by a… … Wikipedia