wood residue
Смотреть что такое "wood residue" в других словарях:
Wood ash — is the residue powder left after the combustion of wood. Main producers of wood ash are wood industries and power plants.CompositionTypically 6 10 percent of burned wood results in ash. [ [http://hubcap.clemson.edu/ blpprt/bestwoodash.html… … Wikipedia
wood tar — noun any tar obtained by the destructive distillation of wood • Hypernyms: ↑natural resin • Hyponyms: ↑pine tar * * * noun : tar obtained by the destructive distillation of wood either as a deposit from pyroligneous acid or as a residue from the… … Useful english dictionary
wood tar — a dark viscid product obtained from wood by distillation or by slow burning without flame, used in its natural state to preserve timber, rope, etc., or subjected to further distillation to yield creosote, oils, and a final residuum, wood pitch.… … Universalium
Wood Green ricin plot — The Wood Green ricin plot refers to a 2002 bioterrorism plot on the London Underground railway system, in which ricin poison would have been manufactured and used for an attack. It was believed the attack had connections with Al Qaeda. Police… … Wikipedia
wood alcohol — Methyl Meth yl, n. [See {Methylene}.] (Chem.) A univalent hydrocarbon radical, {CH3 }, not existing alone but regarded as an essential residue of methane, and appearing as a component part of many derivatives; as, methyl alcohol, methyl ether,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wood spirit — Methyl Meth yl, n. [See {Methylene}.] (Chem.) A univalent hydrocarbon radical, {CH3 }, not existing alone but regarded as an essential residue of methane, and appearing as a component part of many derivatives; as, methyl alcohol, methyl ether,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wood pitch — the final product of the destructive distillation of wood. * * * wood pitch, the dark residue yielded by wood tar on further distillation … Useful english dictionary
Engineered wood — This 1966 photo shows wood waste being burned for fuel in Portland, Oregon … Wikipedia
Thelma Wood — Thelma Ellen Wood [http://www.brmusic.com/vange/Thelma%20Wood.jpg] was an American sculptor (July 3 1901 – December 10 1970). She was born in Kansas and grew up in St. Louis, Missouri. She was the second of four children (… … Wikipedia
Recovery boiler — is the part of Kraft process of pulping where chemicals for white liquor are recovered and reformed from black liquor. In the process lignin of the wood, bound in black liquor at this phase, is burned and heat generated. The heat is usually used… … Wikipedia
CHP Directive — This refers to the Directive on the promotion of cogeneration based on a useful heat demand in the internal energy market and amending Directive 92/62/EEC, officially 2004/8/EC and popularly better known as the Combined Heat and Power (CHP)… … Wikipedia