wood lath
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Lath and plaster — is a building process used mainly for interior walls in Canada and the United States until the late 1950s. After the 1950s, drywall began to replace the lath and plaster process in the these countries. In the United Kingdom, lath and plaster was… … Wikipedia
Lath — A lath is a thin, narrow strip of some straight grained wood or other material, including metal or gypsum. A lattice, or lattice work, is a criss crossed or interlaced arrangement of laths, or the pattern made by such an arrangement. Lath is the… … Wikipedia
Lath Art — is a form of woodworking Folk Art for making rustic pictures out of strips out of old Lath from Plaster and Lath walls. Today it is commonly made from lattice, lumber stickers and weathered lobster traps. Beach scenes and rural scenes are the… … Wikipedia
lath — lath, lathe A lath, pronounced lahth, is a flat strip of wood. The plural is laths, pronounced lahths or occasionally lahdhz. A lathe, pronounced laydh, is a machine for shaping wood or metal, and has the plural form lathes, pronounced laydhz … Modern English usage
Lath — Lath, n.; pl. {Laths}. [OE. laththe, latthe, latte, AS. l[ae]tta; akin to D. lat, G. latte, OHG. latta; cf. W. llath a rod, staff, yard. Cf. {Lattice}, {Latten}.] A thin, narrow strip of wood, nailed to the rafters, studs, or floor beams of a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lath brick — Lath Lath, n.; pl. {Laths}. [OE. laththe, latthe, latte, AS. l[ae]tta; akin to D. lat, G. latte, OHG. latta; cf. W. llath a rod, staff, yard. Cf. {Lattice}, {Latten}.] A thin, narrow strip of wood, nailed to the rafters, studs, or floor beams of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lath nail — Lath Lath, n.; pl. {Laths}. [OE. laththe, latthe, latte, AS. l[ae]tta; akin to D. lat, G. latte, OHG. latta; cf. W. llath a rod, staff, yard. Cf. {Lattice}, {Latten}.] A thin, narrow strip of wood, nailed to the rafters, studs, or floor beams of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lath — [lath, läth] n. pl. laths [lathz, laths, läthz, läths] [ME lathe (< OE * læthth, akin to OHG latta) & latte (< OE lætt, akin to ON latto)] 1. any of the thin, narrow strips of wood used in lattices or nailed to two by fours, rafters, etc.… … English World dictionary
lath-splitter — lathˈ splitter noun Someone who splits wood into laths • • • Main Entry: ↑lath … Useful english dictionary
lath — [la:θ, læθ US læθ] n [: Old English; Origin: lAtt] a long flat narrow piece of wood used in building to support ↑plaster (=material used to cover walls) … Dictionary of contemporary English
lath — [ læθ ] noun count a long thin piece of wood used in building … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English