witty reply
Смотреть что такое "witty reply" в других словарях:
reply — I n. 1) to give, make; send a reply 2) to draw, elicit a reply 3) a curt, gruff; immediate, prompt; stinging; succinct; sullen; terse; witty reply 4) in reply (to nod in reply) 5) in reply to (in reply to your letter) II v. 1) to reply… … Combinatory dictionary
reply — Synonyms and related words: ESP, acknowledge, acknowledgment, action and reaction, advocate, allege in support, answer, answer back, answering, antiphon, approach, argue for, argument, assert, automatic reaction, autonomic reaction, back answer,… … Moby Thesaurus
reply — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ brief, monosyllabic (esp. BrE) ▪ blunt, curt, short, terse ▪ His reply was short and to the point … Collocations dictionary
witty — adj. Witty is used with these nouns: ↑banter, ↑comment, ↑lyrics, ↑remark, ↑reply, ↑retort, ↑tale … Collocations dictionary
repartee — /rɛpaˈti / (say repah tee) noun 1. a ready and witty reply. 2. speech or talk characterised by quickness and wittiness of reply. 3. skill in making witty replies. –verb (i) (reparteed, reparteeing) 4. Obsolete to make witty replies. {French… …
echo — Synonyms and related words: CRT spot, DM display, Doppler signal, IF signal, IM display, RF echoes, accord, acknowledge, acknowledgment, act like, action and reaction, adumbration, affect, agree, agree in opinion, agree with, answer, answer back … Moby Thesaurus
retort — Synonyms and related words: acknowledge, acknowledgment, aerosol, alembic, answer, answer back, answering, antiphon, anvil, aphorism, apothegm, atomizer, back answer, back talk, backchat, backfire, bon mot, boomerang, boutade, bright idea, bright … Moby Thesaurus
return — Synonyms and related words: CRT spot, DM display, Doppler signal, IF signal, IM display, RF echoes, about face, acknowledge, acknowledgment, action and reaction, advent, advert, afford, alternate, alternation, amends, answer, answer back,… … Moby Thesaurus
riposte — Synonyms and related words: acknowledge, acknowledgment, advocate, allege in support, answer, answer back, answering, antiphon, aphorism, apothegm, argue for, argument, assert, back answer, back talk, backchat, bon mot, boutade, bright idea,… … Moby Thesaurus
acknowledgment — Synonyms and related words: abject apology, acceptance, acknowledgments, acquittance, admission, allowance, answer, answering, antiphon, apology, appreciation, avowal, back, back answer, back matter, back talk, backchat, bastard title,… … Moby Thesaurus
antiphon — Synonyms and related words: Agnus Dei, Benedicite, Gloria, Gloria Patri, Gloria in Excelsis, Introit, Magnificat, Miserere, Nunc Dimittis, Te Deum, Trisagion, Vedic hymn, acknowledgment, alleluia, answer, answering, anthem, antiphonal chanting,… … Moby Thesaurus