witty person

witty person
каламбурист Syn : wit, punster, witty fellow

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "witty person" в других словарях:

  • Witty — Recorded in several spelling forms including Witty, Wittey, Whitty and Whitey, this is a medieval English nickname surname for a bright or inventive person. It derives from the Middle English witty , meaning clever or ingenious, and the earlier… …   Surnames reference

  • wise guy — witty person, wisecracker …   English contemporary dictionary

  • wit|ty — «WIHT ee», adjective, ti|er, ti|est. 1. full of wit; clever and amusing: »A witty person makes witty remarks. SYNONYM(S): facetious, droll. 2. Dialect. a) …   Useful english dictionary

  • bad — 1 Bad, evil, ill, wicked, naughty are comparable when they mean not meeting with the approval of the ethical consciousness. Bad is a very general term and applies to anyone or anything reprehensible, for whatever reason and to whatever degree… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • bright spark — noun informal, often ironic a clever or witty person. bright spark a lively person. → spark …   English new terms dictionary

  • bright spark — Ⅰ. bright spark ► NOUN ironic ▪ a clever or witty person. Ⅱ. ► bright spark a lively person. Main Entry: ↑spark …   English terms dictionary

  • Erik Satie — Alfred Éric Leslie Satie (Honfleur, 17 May 1866 – Paris, 1 July 1925) was a French composer and pianist. Starting with his first composition in 1884, he signed his name as Erik Satie.Satie was introduced as a gymnopedist in 1887, shortly before… …   Wikipedia

  • Gaius Sallustius Crispus Passienus — Gaius Sallustius Passienus Crispus was a prominent figure in the Roman Empire during the 1st century. He was the adopted grandson and biological great, great nephew of the historian Sallust. He was known for his power, wealth, influence and was… …   Wikipedia

  • Batiar — (also sometimes spelled as baciar ) was a popular Polish interbellum name of lower class inhabitants of the city of Lwow (now: Lviv, Ukraine). A typical batiar was usually poor, but honest and generous and with great sense of humor. Among most… …   Wikipedia

  • wag — 1. verb a) To swing from side to side, especially of an animals tail My misfortunes all began in wagging, Sir; but what could I do, exceptin wag? Excepting what? said Mr. Carker. Wag, Sir. Wagging from school. Do you mean pretending to go there,… …   Wiktionary

  • Witz — Recorded in several spelling forms including Wiz, Witz, Witze, and Wittzin this ancient German surname is either residential or it may be a nickname perhaps for a scholar. If residential it describes somebody who lives in a witu or forest, and as …   Surnames reference

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