witness — verb To subscribe one s name to a deed, will, or other document, for the purpose of attesting its authenticity, and proving its execution, if required, by bearing witness thereto. See also affirmation attest jurat verification noun … Black's law dictionary
immunity — im·mu·ni·ty /i myü nə tē/ n pl ties [Latin immunitas, from immunis exempt from public service, exempt, from in non + munis (from munia services)] 1: exemption from a duty or liability that is granted by law to a person or class of persons a… … Law dictionary
WITNESS — (Heb. עֵד, one that has personal knowledge of an event or a fact. The evidence of at least two witnesses was required for convicting the accused (Num. 35:30; Deut. 17:6; 19:15; cf. I Kings 21:10, 13). Commercial transactions of importance took… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Immunity — Immunity: Medicine Immunity (medical), resistance of an organism to infection or disease. Immunity (journal), a scientific journal published by Cell Press Law Amnesty law, immunity from past crimes Charitable immunity, immunity from liability… … Wikipedia
immunity — Exemption, as from serving in an office, or performing duties which the law generally requires other citizens to perform; e.g. exemption from paying taxes. Freedom or exemption from penalty, burden, or duty. Special privilege. See also exemption… … Black's law dictionary
immunity — Exemption, as from serving in an office, or performing duties which the law generally requires other citizens to perform; e.g. exemption from paying taxes. Freedom or exemption from penalty, burden, or duty. Special privilege. See also exemption… … Black's law dictionary
immunity — /i myooh ni tee/, n., pl. immunities. 1. the state of being immune from or insusceptible to a particular disease or the like. 2. the condition that permits either natural or acquired resistance to disease. 3. the ability of a cell to react… … Universalium
immunity of witness — See immunity from process; immunity provisions; judicial immunity of witness; self incrimination … Ballentine's law dictionary
Immunity (legal) — In law, immunity is the status of a person or body that places them beyond the law and makes them free from legal obligations, such as liability for torts or damages or prosecution under criminal law.* Amnesty law, immunity from past crimes*… … Wikipedia
immunity bath — Law. the giving of testimony that is self incriminating in order to avail oneself of the immunity granted a witness. Cf. use immunity. [1965 70] * * * … Universalium
immunity provisions — Constitutional and statutory provisions intended to render available testimony from a witness, who otherwise would remain silent under the privilege against self incrimination, by granting him immunity from prosecution. 21 Am J2d Crim L § 148.… … Ballentine's law dictionary