without rest

without rest
без отдыха, без передышки

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "without rest" в других словарях:

  • rest´less|ness — rest|less «REHST lihs», adjective. 1. unable to rest; uneasy: »The dog seemed restless, as if he sensed some danger. 2. without rest or sleep; not restful: »The sick child passed a restless night. 3. rarely or never still or quiet; always moving …   Useful english dictionary

  • rest´less|ly — rest|less «REHST lihs», adjective. 1. unable to rest; uneasy: »The dog seemed restless, as if he sensed some danger. 2. without rest or sleep; not restful: »The sick child passed a restless night. 3. rarely or never still or quiet; always moving …   Useful english dictionary

  • rest|less — «REHST lihs», adjective. 1. unable to rest; uneasy: »The dog seemed restless, as if he sensed some danger. 2. without rest or sleep; not restful: »The sick child passed a restless night. 3. rarely or never still or quiet; always moving: »That… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Rest area — Rest stop redirects here. For the film, see Rest Stop (film). For the Stephen King story, see Rest Stop (short story). Lay by redirects here. For the form of installment purchase, see Layaway. Rest area on northbound Interstate 81 at milepost 262 …   Wikipedia

  • Rest — (r[e^]st), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Rested}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Resting}.] [AS. restan. See {Rest}, n.] 1. To cease from action or motion, especially from action which has caused weariness; to desist from labor or exertion. [1913 Webster] God . . .… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rest — Ⅰ. rest [1] ► VERB 1) cease work or movement in order to relax or recover strength. 2) allow to be inactive in order to regain or save strength or energy. 3) place or be placed so as to stay in a specified position: his feet rested on the table.… …   English terms dictionary

  • rest on one's laurels — (sometimes as a criticism) to be content with one s past successes and the honour they bring, without attempting any further achievements • • • Main Entry: ↑laurel * * * I be so satisfied with what one has already achieved that one makes no… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Rest (music) — Pause as weak interior cadence from Lassus s Qui vult venire post me, mm. 3 5   …   Wikipedia

  • rest — I. /rɛst / (say rest) noun 1. the refreshing quiet or repose of sleep: a good night s rest. 2. refreshing ease or inactivity after exertion or labour: to allow an hour for rest. 3. relief or freedom, especially from anything that wearies,… …  

  • rest — rest1 rester, n. /rest/, n. 1. the refreshing quiet or repose of sleep: a good night s rest. 2. refreshing ease or inactivity after exertion or labor: to allow an hour for rest. 3. relief or freedom, esp. from anything that wearies, troubles, or… …   Universalium

  • rest — 1. v. & n. v. 1 intr. cease, abstain, or be relieved from exertion, action, movement, or employment; be tranquil. 2 intr. be still or asleep, esp. to refresh oneself or recover strength. 3 tr. give relief or repose to; allow to rest (a chair to… …   Useful english dictionary

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