with bad grace
Смотреть что такое "with bad grace" в других словарях:
with\ bad\ grace — • with bad grace • with a bad grace adv. phr. In an unpleasant or discourteous way; unwillingly, Fred takes defeat with bad grace. Tom shouted Hello to Bill. Bill was in a sour mood and replied with a bad grace. Contrast: with good grace … Словарь американских идиом
with bad grace — or[with a bad grace] {adv. phr.} In an unpleasant or discourteous way; unwillingly, * /Fred takes defeat with bad grace./ * /Tom shouted Hello to Bill. Bill was in a sour mood and replied with a bad grace./ Contrast: WITH GOOD GRACE … Dictionary of American idioms
with bad grace — or[with a bad grace] {adv. phr.} In an unpleasant or discourteous way; unwillingly, * /Fred takes defeat with bad grace./ * /Tom shouted Hello to Bill. Bill was in a sour mood and replied with a bad grace./ Contrast: WITH GOOD GRACE … Dictionary of American idioms
with bad grace — phrasal see with a bad grace * * * with bad grace see ↑grace, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑bad … Useful english dictionary
with bad grace — ► with good (or bad) grace in a willing (or reluctant) manner. Main Entry: ↑grace … English terms dictionary
with good grace — {adv. phr.} With pleasant and courteous behavior; politely; willingly; without complaining. * /The boys had been well coached; they took the loss of the game with good grace./ * /The principal scolded Nora, who accepted his criticism with good… … Dictionary of American idioms
with good grace — {adv. phr.} With pleasant and courteous behavior; politely; willingly; without complaining. * /The boys had been well coached; they took the loss of the game with good grace./ * /The principal scolded Nora, who accepted his criticism with good… … Dictionary of American idioms
with\ good\ grace — adv. phr. With pleasant and courteous behavior; politely; willingly; without complaining. The boys had been well coached; they took the loss of the game with good grace. The principal scolded Nora, who accepted his criticism with good grace.… … Словарь американских идиом
with bad grace — idi reluctantly; grudgingly … From formal English to slang
with\ a\ bad\ grace — • with bad grace • with a bad grace adv. phr. In an unpleasant or discourteous way; unwillingly, Fred takes defeat with bad grace. Tom shouted Hello to Bill. Bill was in a sour mood and replied with a bad grace. Contrast: with good grace … Словарь американских идиом
with bad/ill grace — in a way that shows that you are not happy about something : in an unpleasant way They agreed to the compromise with bad grace. • • • Main Entry: ↑grace … Useful english dictionary