- wirework
- электропроводка проволочная сетка;
проволочные изделия акробатические упражнения на канате
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Wirework — Wire work , n. Work, especially openwork, formed of wires. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wirework — [wir′wʉrk΄] n. netting, mesh, etc. made of wire … English World dictionary
wirework — noun Date: 1587 1. a work of wires; especially meshwork, netting, or grillwork of wire < plan the wirework for new circuitry > 2. walking on wires especially by acrobats … New Collegiate Dictionary
wirework — /wuyeur werrk /, n. fabrics or articles made of wire. [1580 90; WIRE + WORK] * * * … Universalium
wirework — wire•work [[t]ˈwaɪərˌwɜrk[/t]] n. fabrics or articles made of wire • Etymology: 1580–90 … From formal English to slang
wirework — /ˈwaɪəwɜk/ (say wuyuhwerk) noun 1. work consisting of wire. 2. fabrics or articles made of wire …
wirework — noun mesh netting made of wires • Syn: ↑grillwork • Hypernyms: ↑net, ↑network, ↑mesh, ↑meshing, ↑meshwork … Useful english dictionary
Ellen Weiske — was born in Detroit, Michigan where she continued to live and attend college at Wayne State University. There, she received a BA (Bachelor of Arts, and then a MFA Master of Fine Arts from Cranbrook Academy of Art, located in Bloomfield, Michigan … Wikipedia
wire — [wīr] n. [ME < OE wir, akin to LowG wīr < IE * weir < base * wei , to bend, turn > WITHE, Gr iris, rainbow, L vitis, vine] 1. metal that has been drawn into a very long, thin thread or rod, usually circular in cross section 2. a… … English World dictionary
Schwertkampffilm — Wǔxiá (chin. 武俠 / 武侠) oder ritterliche Kampfkunst ist ein charakteristisches Genre der chinesischen Literatur und des chinesischen Films. Wuxia ist sehr populär in der chinesischen Volkskultur, und die wichtigsten Schriftsteller haben… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Wuxia — Wǔxiá (chinesisch 武俠 / 武侠) oder „ritterliche Kampfkunst“ ist ein charakteristisches Genre der chinesischen Literatur und des chinesischen Films. Wuxia ist sehr populär in der chinesischen Volkskultur. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… … Deutsch Wikipedia