- wire-cutter
- ˈwaɪəˌkʌtə сущ.;
тех. кусачки Syn : cutting pliers, nippers (техническое) кусачки wire-cutter тех. кусачки
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
wire cutter — any of various devices designed to cut wire. [1870 75] * * * … Universalium
wire cutter — n. instrument resembling scissors that is used to cut through wire … English contemporary dictionary
wire-cutter — /ˈwaɪə kʌtə/ (say wuyuh kutuh) noun a tool designed to cut wire. Also, wirecutter …
wire cutter — noun an edge tool used in cutting wire • Hypernyms: ↑edge tool … Useful english dictionary
Wire sculpture — refers to the creation of sculpture or jewellery (sometimes called wire wrap jewellery) out of wire. The medium was experimented with by Alexander Calder.Because the needed tools are simple, wire sculpture can be learned and performed in home… … Wikipedia
hot wire cutter — A tool for cutting Styrofoam. A wire is held taut in a frame and heated, enabling it to pass cleanly through the Styrofoam without undue pressure being applied. A hand held or bench model may be used … Glossary of Art Terms
Wire Strike Protection System — oberes Schneidemesser und Ablenkschiene (vertikal) in der Mitte der Frontscheibe unteres Schneidemesser … Deutsch Wikipedia
wire — n. & v. n. 1 a metal drawn out into the form of a thread or thin flexible rod. b a piece of this. c (attrib.) made of wire. 2 a length or quantity of wire used for fencing or to carry an electric current etc. 3 esp. US colloq. a telegram or… … Useful english dictionary
Wire wrapped jewelry — Wire wrapping is one of the oldest techniques for making jewelry by hand. In wire wrapping, jewelry is made using jewelry wire and findings similar to wire (like head pins) to make components. Wire components are then connected to one another… … Wikipedia
Cutter & Buck — (formerly NASDAQ: CBUK) is a manufacturer of upscale apparel for golf and other sports. Founded in 1990, the company went public in 1995 and was sold to New Wave Group AB, a Swedish based corporation, on April 13th, 2007. The company sells… … Wikipedia
wire-strike protection system — A system meant to protect helicopters from high wire strikes. The WSPS was developed to reduce the severity of a wire obstacle collision by diverting the wire into the cutter blade assemblies. The cutter blades affixed to the top and bottom of… … Aviation dictionary