wire wool
Смотреть что такое "wire wool" в других словарях:
wire wool — noun uncount BRITISH STEEL WOOL … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
wire wool — n [U] BrE a mass of very thin pieces of wire, used for cleaning pans … Dictionary of contemporary English
wire wool — noun a mass of woven steel fibers used as an abrasive • Syn: ↑steel wool • Hypernyms: ↑abrasive, ↑abradant, ↑abrasive material * * * wire wool noun A mass of very fine wire for scouring • • • Main Entry … Useful english dictionary
wire wool — N UNCOUNT Wire wool consists of very thin pieces of wire twisted together, often in the form of small pads. These are used to clean wooden and metal objects. [BRIT] Syn: steel wool (in AM, use steel wool) … English dictionary
wire wool — /ˈwaɪə wʊl/ (say wuyuh wool) noun → steel wool …
wire wool — noun Brit. another term for steel wool … English new terms dictionary
wire wool — noun (U) a mass of very thin pieces of wire, used for cleaning pans … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
wire wool — UK / US noun [uncountable] British very thin pieces of wire twisted together into a ball, used for cleaning metal … English dictionary
wool — [wul] n [U] [: Old English; Origin: wull] 1.) the soft thick hair that sheep and some goats have on their body →↑lambswool 2.) material made from wool ▪ a pure wool skirt ▪ a mix of 80% wool and 20% man made fibres ↑knitting needle, ↑wool 3.) … Dictionary of contemporary English
wool — [ wul ] noun uncount ** thick hair that grows on sheep and some other animals a. fiber made from wool, used in KNITTING: a ball of wool b. cloth made from wool: a wool jacket pull the wool over someone s eyes to trick someone, often by saying… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
wool — [[t]w ʊl[/t]] wools 1) N UNCOUNT Wool is the hair that grows on sheep and on some other animals. 2) N MASS Wool is a material made from animal s wool that is used to make things such as clothes, blankets, and carpets. ...a wool overcoat... The… … English dictionary