wire spool
Смотреть что такое "wire spool" в других словарях:
Wire spool — Бобина проволоки … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Spool — can mean one of the following: Spool, a usually low flanged or unflanged cylinder on which thread, wire, cable, paper, film, or tape is wound for distribution or use. Bobbin, a cylinder or reel on which a quantity of thread, yarn or wire is wound … Wikipedia
spool — [spo͞ol] n. [ME spole < MFr espole < MDu spoele, akin to Ger spule < IE base * (s)p(h)el , to split, split off > SPALL, SPILL1, SPOIL] 1. a cylinder or roller, usually with a hole for a spindle from end to end and a rim at either end … English World dictionary
spool — [spu:l] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: espole, from Middle Dutch spoele] an object shaped like a wheel that you wind thread, wire etc around … Dictionary of contemporary English
Wire recording — A Peirce 55 B dictation wire recorder from 1945 … Wikipedia
spool — I. noun Etymology: Middle English spole, from Middle Dutch spoele; akin to Old High German spuola spool Date: 14th century 1. a cylindrical device which has a rim or ridge at each end and an axial hole for a pin or spindle and on which material… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Wire saw — A wire saw A wire saw is a machine using a metal wire or cable for cutting. There are two types of wire saw machines: continuous (or endless or loop) and oscillating (or reciprocating). Sometimes the wire itself is referred to as a blade . The… … Wikipedia
spool — spooler, n. spoollike, adj. /spoohl/, n. 1. any cylindrical piece or device on which something is wound. 2. a small cylindrical piece of wood or other material on which yarn is wound in spinning, for use in weaving; a bobbin. 3. a small cylinder… … Universalium
spool — noun (C) 1 an object shaped like a wheel that you wind electric wire, recording tape 1 (1a), photographic film etc around 2 AmE a reel 1 (1a): Don t forget to rewind the spool … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
spool — 1. noun a) A device around which thread, wire or cable is wound, especially a cylinder or spindle. b) A small swimming pool that can be used also as a spa … Wiktionary
Safety wire — Safety wiring of two pairs of drilled head bolts Safety wire or lockwire is common in the aircraft and racing industries as an extra precaution to keep vital fasteners from unintentionally loosening and parts from falling off due to vibration or… … Wikipedia