wire rope chopper
Смотреть что такое "wire rope chopper" в других словарях:
канаторез для стальных канатов — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN wire rope chopper … Справочник технического переводчика
Manitowoc Cranes — Type Public (NYSE: MTW Industry … Wikipedia
The Mole (Australia season 4) — The Mole in Paradise Country of origin Australia No. of episodes 10 Broadcast … Wikipedia
List of minor One Piece characters — The following is a list of minor characters in the manga and anime series One Piece : AisaAisa (アイサ) is a small girl and, since she was born, she could sense via Mantra whenever anyone dies or is severely wounded. Because of this, she hates it… … Wikipedia
Death of Osama bin Laden — Death of Osama bin Laden … Wikipedia
List of United States Marine Corps acronyms and expressions — This is a list of acronyms, expressions, euphemisms, jargon, military slang, and sayings in common or formerly common use in the United States Marine Corps. Many of the words or phrases have varying levels of acceptance among different units or… … Wikipedia
List of Deadliest Catch episodes — This is a list of Deadliest Catch episodes with original airdate on Discovery Channel. Airdates on Discovery Channel Canada generally differ. Contents 1 Pilot 2 Season 1 3 Season 2 4 Season 3 … Wikipedia
Optimus Prime — is a fictional character from the Transformers franchise. Prime is the leader of the autobots, a faction of transforming robots from the planet Cybertron. The autobots are constantly waging war against a rival faction of transforming robots… … Wikipedia
Xombie — is a series of Flash cartoons produced by James Farr. Farr has said that his reason for using Flash as his medium was its economy. Morrow, Jennifer. Xombie Undead and on line . Fangoria, August 2005.] Recently, James Farr has released a book… … Wikipedia
Fictional military aircraft — are imagined aircraft which are used in fiction, in its various media, but do not exist in the real world. These aircraft may be conjectured variants of real world aircraft or they may be completely fabricated by the author. Contents 1 Fictional… … Wikipedia
List of films based on actual events — This is a list of feature films that are based on actual events. Contents 1 1920s 2 1930s 3 1940s 4 1950s 5 1960s … Wikipedia