wire lead
Смотреть что такое "wire lead" в других словарях:
wire lead — vielinis išvadas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. pigtail; wire lead vok. Drahtanschluß, m; Drahtzuleitung, f rus. проволочный вывод, m pranc. sortie en fil, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
bonding wire lead — termokompresiškai prijungtas vielinis išvadas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. bonding wire lead vok. Bonddrahtanschluß, m rus. проволочный вывод, присоединённый методом термокомпрессии, m pranc. sortie en fil connectée par… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
wire — See bead wires coil wire control wire earth wire ground wire hot wire lead wire live wire primary wire secondary wire … Dictionary of automotive terms
lead — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 example set by sb ADJECTIVE ▪ moral (esp. BrE) VERB + LEAD ▪ give, take ▪ The government should give a lead in tackling racism. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Wire rope — consists of several strands laid (or twisted ) together like a helix. Each strand is likewise made of metal wires laid together like a helix. Initially wrought iron wires were used, but today steel is the main material used for wire ropes.History … Wikipedia
Lead poisoning — Classification and external resources An X ray demonstrating the characteristic finding of lead poisoning, dense metaphyseal lines. ICD 10 T … Wikipedia
lead-in wire — «LEED IHN», = lead in (def. 2). (Cf. ↑lead in) … Useful english dictionary
lead — Ⅰ. lead [1] ► VERB (past and past part. led) 1) cause (a person or animal) to go with one, especially by drawing them along or by preceding them to a destination. 2) be a route or means of access: the street led into the square. 3) (lead to)… … English terms dictionary
lead — lead1 [lēd] vt. led, leading [ME leden < OE lædan, caus. of lithan, to travel, go, akin to Ger leiten: for IE base see LOAD] 1. a) to show the way to, or direct the course of, by going before or along with; conduct; guide b) to show (the way)… … English World dictionary
Lead — Lead, n. 1. The act of leading or conducting; guidance; direction; as, to take the lead; to be under the lead of another. [1913 Webster] At the time I speak of, and having a momentary lead, . . . I am sure I did my country important service.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lead angle — Lead Lead, n. 1. The act of leading or conducting; guidance; direction; as, to take the lead; to be under the lead of another. [1913 Webster] At the time I speak of, and having a momentary lead, . . . I am sure I did my country important service … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English