wire feeler gage
Смотреть что такое "wire feeler gage" в других словарях:
gage — [1] A standard SAE designation of wire sizes, expressed in AWG (American Wire Gage). The larger the gage number, the smaller the wire. Metric wire sizes are expressed in cross sectional area, which is expressed in square millimeters. Sometimes… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Micrometer — This article is about the measuring device. For the unit of length, see Micrometre. Outside, inside, and depth micrometers A micrometer ( … Wikipedia
Gauge (Technik) — Solch eine Messuhr wird im Englischen oft als „Gauge“ bezeichnet ebenso wie das damit zu messende Maß Auch solch … Deutsch Wikipedia
gauge — This is the British and Canadian spelling while in the United States it is sometimes spelled without the u (gage). It is becoming standard to use gage for wire size and gauge for an instrument. [1] An instrument that registers the quantity of a… … Dictionary of automotive terms