Смотреть что такое "winter-tide" в других словарях:
winter-tide — … Useful english dictionary
winter — n. & v. n. 1 the coldest season of the year, in the N. hemisphere from December to February and in the S. hemisphere from June to August. 2 Astron. the period from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox. 3 a bleak or lifeless period or region… … Useful english dictionary
Winter storms of 2006–07 — Winter storms of 2006–2007 profiles the major winter storms, including blizzards, ice storms, and other winter events that occurred from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007.Eventseptembereptember 14 16While not a major event, the first widespread… … Wikipedia
Winter solstice — This article is about the astronomical and cultural event of winter solstice, also known as midwinter. For other uses, see Winter solstice (disambiguation), Midwinter (disambiguation) or also see Solstice. UTC Date and Time of Solstice[1] year… … Wikipedia
tide over — {v.} To carry past a difficulty or danger; help in bad times or in trouble. * /He was out of work last winter but he had saved enough money to tide him over until spring./ * /An ice cream cone in the afternoon tided her over until supper./… … Dictionary of American idioms
tide over — {v.} To carry past a difficulty or danger; help in bad times or in trouble. * /He was out of work last winter but he had saved enough money to tide him over until spring./ * /An ice cream cone in the afternoon tided her over until supper./… … Dictionary of American idioms
tide\ over — v To carry past a difficulty or danger; help in bad times or in trouble. He was out of work last winter but he had saved enough money to tide him over until spring. An ice cream cone in the afternoon tided her over until supper. Compare: see… … Словарь американских идиом
Mourning Tide — is an Australian metalcore/hair metal band. It was formed in 2000 on the Gold Coast, Queensland. Contents 1 History 2 Current Lineup 3 Releases 4 External li … Wikipedia
Spring tide — Spring Spring, n. [AS. spring a fountain, a leap. See {Spring}, v. i.] 1. A leap; a bound; a jump. [1913 Webster] The prisoner, with a spring, from prison broke. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. A flying back; the resilience of a body recovering its… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Low tide — Low Low (l[=o]), a. [Compar. {Lower} (l[=o] [ e]r); superl. {Lowest}.] [OE. low, louh, lah, Icel. l[=a]gr; akin to Sw. l[*a]g, Dan. lav, D. laag, and E. lie. See {Lie} to be prostrate.] [1913 Webster] 1. Occupying an inferior position or place;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hock tide — was an ancient general holiday in England, celebrated on the second Monday and Tuesday after Easter Sunday.Hock Tuesday was an important term day, rents being then payable, for with Michaelmas it divided the rural year into its winter and summer… … Wikipedia