- winter-hardy
- морозоустойчивый, зимостойкий (о растении)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Winter-hardy — plants are those which are able to grow during the winter, or at least remain healthy and dormant. Examples include not only the obvious evergreens, but also many cultivated plants, including some cabbage and broccoli, and all kinds of carrot.… … Wikipedia
winter-hardy — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective : hardy in respect to winter conditions; especially : able to withstand much cold winter hardy chrysanthemums * * * winter hardiness, winterhardiness, n. /win teuhr hahr dee/, adj. (esp. of plants, shrubs, or the… … Useful english dictionary
winter-hardy — winter hardiness, winterhardiness, n. /win teuhr hahr dee/, adj. (esp. of plants, shrubs, or the like) able to survive the effects of cold weather. Also, winterhardy. * * * … Universalium
Winter Garden — may refer to:* A winter garden, winter hardy plants grown to decorate in the winter or be harvested between winter and early spring;Landmarks * Renaissance Center Wintergarden in Detroit, Michigan * Winter Garden Atrium, a large public atrium in… … Wikipedia
Winter garden — This article is regarding the kind of garden maintained in wintertime; for other meanings, see Winter Garden A winter garden is, as the name implies, a garden planted either to produce food, or at least to remain visibly planted and slowly… … Wikipedia
Hardy palms — are any of the species of palm (Arecaceae) that are able to withstand colder temperatures and thrive in places not typically considered in the natural range for palms. Several are native to higher elevations in Asia and can tolerate hard freezes… … Wikipedia
Hardy — Hardy, 1) [ar di], Alexandre, französischer Dramatiker, * Paris um 1570, ✝ 1631 oder 1632; gehörte (wohl auch als Schauspieler) zur Truppe der »Comédiens du Roy« und nahm auf deren Repertoire als dramatischer Autor Einfluss. Von seinen (nach… … Universal-Lexikon
Hardy — Har dy (h[aum]r d[y^]), a. [Compar. {Hardier} ( d[i^]*[ e]r); superl. {Hardiest}.] [F. hardi, p. p. fr. OF. hardir to make bold; of German origin, cf. OHG. hertan to harden, G. h[ a]rten. See {Hard}, a.] 1. Bold; brave; stout; daring; resolute;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hardy Ivy — (1779 1842) is said to be the first person of European descent to permanently settle in what is now the city of Atlanta, GA. By 1821 the last of the Native Americans who held claim to the land east of the Chattahoochee River ceded their land to… … Wikipedia
Winter Words (song cycle) — Winter Words , Op. 52, is a song cycle for tenor and piano by Benjamin Britten.Written in 1954, it sets eight poems by Thomas Hardy about the fleetingness of experience, which contrast brief instances (a boy’s boredom on a long train ride, the… … Wikipedia
hardy — hardy1 [här′dē] adj. hardier, hardiest [ME & OFr hardi, pp. of hardir, to make bold < Frank * hardjan, to make hard < * hard , HARD] 1. bold and resolute; daring; courageous 2. too bold; full of temerity; rash 3. able to withstand fatigue,… … English World dictionary