wink away

wink away

1) быстро моргать He had something wrong with his right eye, which made him wink away all day. ≈ Что-то случилось с его правым глазом, отчего он весь день усиленно моргал.
2) смахнуть, сморгнуть слезы Mary tried hard to wink her tears away, but Steve could see that she had been crying. ≈ Мэри усиленно пыталась скрыть слезы, но Стив заметил, что она плакала. Syn : blink away, blink back, wink back

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wink away" в других словарях:

  • wink — [wiŋk] vi. [ME winken < OE wincian, akin to Ger winken: see WINCH] 1. to close the eyelids and open them again quickly 2. a) to close one eyelid and open it again quickly, as a signal, etc. b) to be closed and opened in this way: said of the… …   English World dictionary

  • Wink (game) — Infobox Game title = Wink image link = image caption = Wink being played by young Quakers at JYF in Bournville Meeting House, 2006. designer = illustrator = publisher = players = An Odd Number (at least 9) ages = Any (usually adolescence through… …   Wikipedia

  • wink — wink1 winkingly, adv. /wingk/, v.i. 1. to close and open one or both eyes quickly. 2. to close and open one eye quickly as a hint or signal or with some sly meaning (often fol. by at): She winked at him across the room. 3. (of the eyes) to close… …   Universalium

  • Wink Martindale — Infobox actor television | name = Wink Martindale birthname = Winston Conrad Martindale birthdate = birth date and age|1934|12|04 birthplace = Jackson, Tennessee deathdate = deathplace = occupation = TV presenter, Game show presenter (1964 1998)… …   Wikipedia

  • wink — [[t]wɪŋk[/t]] v. i. 1) to close and open one or both eyes quickly 2) to close and open one eye quickly as a hint or signal or with some sly or humorous intent 3) (of the eyes) to close and open quickly; blink 4) to shine with little flashes of… …   From formal English to slang

  • wink — I. /wɪŋk / (say wingk) verb (i) 1. to close and open the eyes quickly. 2. (of the eyes) to close and open thus; blink. 3. to shine with little flashes of light, or twinkle. –verb (t) 4. to close and open (the eyes or an eye) quickly; execute or… …  

  • blink away — verb force to go away by blinking blink away tears • Syn: ↑wink, ↑blink • Derivationally related forms: ↑blink (for: ↑blink), ↑wink ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • blink — I noun a reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly • Syn: ↑eye blink, ↑blinking, ↑wink, ↑winking, ↑nictitation, ↑nictation • Derivationally related forms: ↑ni …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tiddlywinks — is an indoor game played with sets of small discs called winks lying on a surface, usually a flat mat. Players use a larger disc called a squidger to pop a wink into flight by pressing down on one side of the wink. The objective of the game is to …   Wikipedia

  • Peregrine Falcon — Adult Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) of subspecies pealei or tundrius in Alaska Conservation status …   Wikipedia

  • List of My Little Pony characters — This is a list of characters from the long running My Little Pony toy franchise. The My Little Pony franchise first debuted in the year 1400 B.C., the creation of American illustrator and designer Bonnie Zacherle. Together with sculptor Charles… …   Wikipedia

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