Смотреть что такое "wingman" в других словарях:
Wingman — ウイングマン Genre Science Fiction Manga : Wingman Type Shōnen Auteur Masakazu Katsura Éditeur … Wikipédia en Français
Wingman — bezeichnet eine Person, die im gesellschaftlichen Zusammenspiel einen Freund oder Bekannten unterstützt und ihm metaphorisch „den Rücken stärkt“, um einen Sexualpartner kennenzulernen.[1] Ursprung Der Begriff Wingman hat seinen Ursprung im Film… … Deutsch Wikipedia
wingman — [wiŋ′mən] n. pl. wingmen [wiŋ′mən ] ☆ 1. in a formation of aircraft, the pilot who flies behind and to the side of the leader ☆ 2. the aircraft flown in this position * * * wing·man (wĭngʹmən) n. A pilot whose plane is positioned behind and… … Universalium
wingman — (n.) pilot of the plane beside the lead aircraft in a formation, 1943 (earlier as a football position), from WING (Cf. wing) (n.) + MAN (Cf. man) (n.). With figurative extensions, including the dating sidekick one that was in use by 2006 … Etymology dictionary
wingman — [wiŋ′mən] n. pl. wingmen [wiŋ′mən ] ☆ 1. in a formation of aircraft, the pilot who flies behind and to the side of the leader ☆ 2. the aircraft flown in this position … English World dictionary
Wingman — A wingman (or wingmate) is a pilot who supports another in a potentially dangerous flying environment. Wingman was originally a term referring to the plane flying beside and slightly behind the lead plane in an aircraft formation.According to the … Wikipedia
wingman — /ˈwɪŋmæn/ (say wingman) noun (plural wingmen) 1. Australian Rules a player in the wing position on the field; winger. 2. Colloquial a person who socially paves the way, assisting another in the making of friends or attracting sexual partners.… …
wingman — vedamasis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Orlaivis, skrendantis nustatytu atstumu nuo kito orlaivio, vykdantis paskirto vado komandas. atitikmenys: angl. wingman pranc. ailier … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Wingman (social) — Wingman is a term in the seduction community that a man may take when he goes to a club or bar with an accompanying male. A wingman is expected to support his friend in approaching women. The men often pick a desired woman, who is referred to as… … Wikipedia
Wingman (manga) — Infobox animanga/Header name = Wingman caption = ja name = ウイングマン ja name trans = Uinguman genre = Action, Science fiction, SentaiInfobox animanga/Manga title = author = Masakazu Katsura publisher = Shueisha publisher other = demographic = Shōnen … Wikipedia
wingman/wing man — An aviator subordinate to and in support of the designated section leader. Also, the aircraft flown in the role. A wingman normally flies on the wing tip of the element leader. The main role of a wingman is to search for and report enemy aircraft … Aviation dictionary