
ˈwɪŋspæn сущ.;
авиац. размах крыла n ав. размах крыла wing-span ав. размах крыла wing-spread: wing-spread = wing-span

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wing-span" в других словарях:

  • wing span — wing|span «WIHNG SPAN», noun, or wing span, the wingspread of an airplane, including ailerons projecting beyond the wing tips …   Useful english dictionary

  • wing|span — «WIHNG SPAN», noun, or wing span, the wingspread of an airplane, including ailerons projecting beyond the wing tips …   Useful english dictionary

  • wing·span — /ˈwıŋˌspæn/ noun, pl spans [count] : the distance from the tip of one wing of a bird or airplane to the tip of the other wing The hawk has a wingspan of about three feet. a plane with a 200 foot wingspan …   Useful english dictionary

  • wing span — see wingspan …   English dictionary

  • wing span — distance between the ends of a birds wings when spread wide …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Wing shape optimization — is a software implementation of shape optimization primarily used for aircraft design. This allows for engineers to produce more efficient and cheaper aircraft designs.HistoryShape optimization, as a software process and tool, first appeared as… …   Wikipedia

  • Wing Saber — is the name of a fictional character in the various Transformers universes. Unicron TrilogyTransformers character name =Wing Saber caption = affiliation =Autobot subgroup =Ultra Vehicles rank =8 function = partner =Optimus Prime motto = Courage… …   Wikipedia

  • span — 01. The life [span] of Japanese women is the longest in the world. 02. Many young children today have an approximate attention [span] of about 15 minutes, or the time of a television show between commercials. 03. Raymond Bourque s hockey career… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • span — [[t]spæ̱n[/t]] spans, spanning, spanned 1) N COUNT: usu supp N A span is the period of time between two dates or events during which something exists, functions, or happens. The batteries had a life span of six hours... Gradually the time span… …   English dictionary

  • wing — n. & v. n. 1 each of the limbs or organs by which a bird, bat, or insect is able to fly. 2 a rigid horizontal winglike structure forming a supporting part of an aircraft. 3 part of a building etc. which projects or is extended in a certain… …   Useful english dictionary

  • span — span1 [spæn] a past tense of ↑spin span 2 span2 n [: Old English; Origin: spann] 1.) a period of time between two dates or events over/within/in a span of sth ▪ Over a span of ten years, the company has made great progress. ▪ It ll be difficult… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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