wing flap

wing flap
ˈwɪŋˈflæp авиац. крыльевой закрылок

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wing flap" в других словарях:

  • wing flap — noun : a hinged or pivoted and sometimes extensible portion of an airplane wing used to increase the lift and drag for making landings at reduced speeds …   Useful english dictionary

  • flap — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ small ▪ loose ▪ a loose flap of skin ▪ tent ▪ pocket ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • Flap — Flap, n. [OE. flappe, flap, blow, bly flap; cf. D. flap, and E. flap, v.] Anything broad and limber that hangs loose, or that is attached by one side or end and is easily moved; as, the flap of a garment. [1913 Webster] A cartilaginous flap upon… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flap tile — Flap Flap, n. [OE. flappe, flap, blow, bly flap; cf. D. flap, and E. flap, v.] Anything broad and limber that hangs loose, or that is attached by one side or end and is easily moved; as, the flap of a garment. [1913 Webster] A cartilaginous flap… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flap valve — Flap Flap, n. [OE. flappe, flap, blow, bly flap; cf. D. flap, and E. flap, v.] Anything broad and limber that hangs loose, or that is attached by one side or end and is easily moved; as, the flap of a garment. [1913 Webster] A cartilaginous flap… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flap — may refer to:* Flap (aircraft), a hinged surface on the trailing edge of an airplane wing * Flapping, one of the basic mechanics of flight in birds * Flap, any hinged plate often used as a cover or a simple one way valve ** Cat flap, a hinged… …   Wikipedia

  • flap — [flap] n. [ME flappe < the v.] 1. anything flat and broad that is attached at one end and hangs loose or covers an opening [the flap of a pocket] 2. the motion or slapping sound of a swinging flap [the flap of an awning] 3. Archaic a blow with …   English World dictionary

  • flap — ► VERB (flapped, flapping) 1) move or be moved up and down or from side to side. 2) (flap at) strike at with a light blow, a cloth, etc. 3) informal be agitated. ► NOUN 1) a piece of something attached on one side only …   English terms dictionary

  • flap — (n.) mid 14c., flappe a blow, slap, probably imitative of the sound of striking. Meaning something that hangs down is first recorded 1520s. Sense of motion or noise like a bird s wing is 1774; meaning disturbance, noisy tumult is 1916, British… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Flap (aircraft) — Flaps are hinged surfaces on the trailing edge of the wings of a fixed wing aircraft. As flaps are extended, the stalling speed of the aircraft is reduced. Flaps are also used on the leading edge of the wings of some high speed jet aircraft,… …   Wikipedia

  • flap — [[t]flæ̱p[/t]] flaps, flapping, flapped 1) V ERG If something such as a piece of cloth or paper flaps or if you flap it, it moves quickly up and down or from side to side. Grey sheets flapped on the clothes line... [V n] They would flap bath… …   English dictionary

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