wine card
Смотреть что такое "wine card" в других словарях:
wine card — wine card, Especially British. wine list … Useful english dictionary
Wine Teasers Wine Game — Wine Teasers is an educational trivia game that teaches people about wine. It is designed for small groups of two or more players and uses questions, answers, and hints to foster wine related discussion.Wine Teasers is published by Fine Wine… … Wikipedia
card — [[t]kɑ͟ː(r)d[/t]] ♦♦ cards 1) N COUNT A card is a piece of stiff paper or thin cardboard on which something is written or printed. Check the numbers below against the numbers on your card. 2) N COUNT: with supp, usu n N A card is a piece of… … English dictionary
card — card1 /kahrd/, n. 1. a usually rectangular piece of stiff paper, thin pasteboard, or plastic for various uses, as to write information on or printed as a means of identifying the holder: a 3 × 5 file card; a membership card. 2. one of a set of… … Universalium
card — I. transitive verb Date: 14th century to cleanse, disentangle, and collect together (as fibers) by the use of cards preparatory to spinning • carder noun II. noun Etymology: Middle English carde, from Medieval Latin cardus, carduus, thistle,… … New Collegiate Dictionary
aged wine — выдержанное вино dry wine сухое вино wine card карта вин wine list карта вин old wine старое вино wine blend смесь вин … English-Russian travelling dictionary
astringent wine — вино с вяжущим вкусом dry wine сухое вино wine card карта вин wine list карта вин old wine старое вино wine blend смесь вин … English-Russian travelling dictionary
balanced wine — гармоничное вино dry wine сухое вино wine card карта вин wine list карта вин old wine старое вино wine blend смесь вин … English-Russian travelling dictionary
berry wine — ягодное вино dry wine сухое вино wine card карта вин wine list карта вин old wine старое вино wine blend смесь вин … English-Russian travelling dictionary
bottle wine — бутылочное вино dry wine сухое вино wine card карта вин wine list карта вин old wine старое вино wine blend смесь вин … English-Russian travelling dictionary
caramelized wine — карамелизованное вино dry wine сухое вино wine card карта вин wine list карта вин old wine старое вино wine blend смесь вин … English-Russian travelling dictionary