
незащищенный от ветра;
опустошаемый ветром развевающиеся от ветра (волосы)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "windswept" в других словарях:

  • windswept — (adj.) 1932, originally of hair, from WIND (Cf. wind) (n.1) + pp. of SWEEP (Cf. sweep) …   Etymology dictionary

  • windswept — ► ADJECTIVE 1) exposed to strong winds. 2) (of a person s hair or appearance) untidy after being exposed to the wind …   English terms dictionary

  • windswept — wind|swept [ˈwındswept] adj 1.) a place that is windswept is often windy because there are not many trees or buildings to protect it ▪ windswept moors 2.) hair, clothes etc that are windswept have been blown around by the wind …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • windswept — adjective 1 a place that is windswept is often windy because there are not many trees or buildings to protect it: windswept moors 2 hair, clothes etc that are windswept have been blown around by the wind …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • windswept — wind|swept [ wınd,swept ] adjective 1. ) a windswept place has a lot of wind and not many buildings or trees to protect it 2. ) someone who is windswept looks messy because their clothes and hair have been blown around by a strong wind …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • windswept — [[t]wɪ̱ndswept[/t]] ADJ A windswept place has no shelter and is not protected against strong winds. ...the remote and windswept hillside …   English dictionary

  • windswept — UK [ˈwɪn(d)ˌswept] / US adjective 1) a windswept place has a lot of wind and not many buildings or trees to protect it 2) someone who is windswept looks untidy because their clothes and hair have been blown around by a strong wind …   English dictionary

  • windswept — wind·swept (wĭndʹswĕpt ) adj. Exposed to or swept by winds: windswept moors. * * * …   Universalium

  • windswept — adjective Exposed to the winds. We struggled over the windswept moorland …   Wiktionary

  • windswept — adj. Windswept is used with these nouns: ↑hair, ↑moor, ↑plateau …   Collocations dictionary

  • windswept — [ˈwɪn(d)ˌswept] adj 1) a windswept place has a lot of wind and not many buildings or trees to protect it 2) looking untidy because your clothes and hair have been blown around by the wind …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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